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Another reminder that we may not have tomorrow

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:34 am
by chalet05
A very loving couple who were high school sweethearts spend their winter here in the park - I don't think they ever took a walk without holding hands and they were always warm and smiling. They left in February for a quick trip back to Washington for her mother's 94th birthday party. The mother became ill so no party and she passed away. Along the way, the husband, age 66, became very ill. He has been in intensive care with multiple issues and they don't know what is causing them. Today we learned that his wife has been told to be prepared for his death. Guess this one hits close to home as that is much like what I went through. They still had so many dreams.

So remember you might not get tomorrow and please say a prayer for Bill and Judy and their family.

Re: Another reminder that we may not have tomorrow

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:56 am
by mitch5252
That is so very sad.
Poor Judy being hit with a double whammy.

Re: Another reminder that we may not have tomorrow

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:05 pm
by Bethers
How hard to deal with for Judy, and for you as their friend also. We had a similar story here this winter. Man went in the hospital for small issue, never came home. His wife is handling it far better than any of us expected. Hopefully Judy will also.

Re: Another reminder that we may not have tomorrow

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:45 pm
by mtngal
So sorry for our friends Anita. Hugs.

Re: Another reminder that we may not have tomorrow

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:08 pm
by BirdbyBird
Life is always precious and changes in a moment...

Re: Another reminder that we may not have tomorrow

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:59 pm
by AlmostThere
Were these the same people Sheila was talking about on FB?
I am sorry you lost some precious friends.

My son texted me a bit ago asking for prayer not only for himself, but especially for a young family that lost their 18 mo old to a drowning accident in a little pond right on the Air Force base where he works in the ER.
He was the Dr who tried for 35 mins to revive the baby to no avail. So yes, we don't know ifwe have tomorrow.

Re: Another reminder that we may not have tomorrow

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:47 pm
by chalet05
AlmostThere wrote:Were these the same people Sheila was talking about on FB?

I don't know what Sheila posted - guess I better find her and friend her!!

So sorry for your son and that family - can't be easy.

Re: Another reminder that we may not have tomorrow

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:41 pm
by snowball
look for me Anita l think it says I live in Quartzsite
as to was it the people I posted no the ones I mentioned where
friends here in Quartzsite...Bonnie I saw from a distance on Weds a couple weeks ago
Sat heard that she had died they think a heart attack
Aleen again was a friend here and came a couple of times when DH was in hospice care
to visit even played dominoes with me one time a dear friend and she had a lung cancer I think it was
that returned...and died this past Sat at their home in UT
it saddened me brought back memories especially Aleen she had many of the same
physical problems that Larry had in the end of his life not eating to weak to even talk
so it brought things to the surface
We sure don't know what the future will bring my heart goes out to your friends Anita