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Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:03 am
by Getupngo
For the second year in a row I'm not cooking for Turkey Day. My son and his new wife have invited me over to have the holiday dinner with them and my new little grandsons.

Of course, I'll be cooking SOMETHING as part of this, but it's not all on me. I'd like to say I miss being the hostess, but that's not happening yet! :lol: I cooked a turkey for myself last week ... mmmmm that was good.

Soooo ... where will YOU be for Thanksgiving? Are you hosting? Who will be there?

Re: A you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:21 am
by JanJer
We will have Thanksgiving dinner in the rec hall here in the park. The owner provides the turkeys and hams and the park residents do the cooking...everyone brings a yummy dish to pass, we have some great cooks in the park. It is a great time spent with friends. Of course my cell minutes will be burning as I talk to the kids back home.


Re: A you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:54 am
by Paulette
Well, I wasn't really sure what I was going to be doing this Thanksgiving. In past years, when my Dad was alive and living with me, I would host the whole shebang and my sister and her hubby and some of her kids and some of my kids would come. This year, my sister decided to go to her daughter's for Thanksgiving. So, GD and I discussed it and she wanted to invite her grandfather (my ex) over. So, I bought a turkey breast and a pack of thighs and will make dinner for us at my house. My daughter and her bf will come and join us. Then, shortly after dinner the GD's mom will pick her up and take her to her other Great GM's for desert. And DD and her BF will leave and go to his family's and the ex is on call so maybe he'll leave too and I'll have a nice quiet afternoon cleaning up the kitchen! :lol:

I have to confess, that although I love Thanksgiving, I'm not looking forward to it much this year. I will really miss my Dad. But, for the GD's sake, I will try to make it a wonderful meal and try to remember all of my blessings and everything that I have to be thankful for and hope that Dad and Mom will be there with us in Spirit!

I hope everyone has a wonderful yummy Thankgsiving!

Re: A you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:05 am
by retiredhappy
Ah, the advantage of fulltiming in an RV. My daughter is cooking dinner. I'll make my sweet potato with marshmellow topping and bring the pies so no cooking or cleaning for me. What a tough life. It really is a day for Thanksgiving - daughter's fiancee is home from Iraq. Hope you all have a great day.

Re: A you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:01 am
by Mollysmom
I'm going no where and doing nothing - sort of a theme in my life lately - HA !!
I was invited to a friends house but decided to just hang here - I'm not a big fan of Thanksgiving, never have been, so home is best for me. I'm planning on cooking a steak, baked potato with sour cream and buy a pie ! All the bad for me but I love it food :D
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving !

Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:04 pm
by SeeyaGal
I'm cooking a 20# Turkey this year, friends are arriving today to stay with us till Dec 1st. Our 4 neighbors that we always play cards with are coming, so that will make 8 of us.

Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:55 pm
by Cedar518
I'll be at my daughters. She has 24 to be at the table (so far!) Family, extended family, friends,... I will make two batches of rolls, and orchestrate the gravy when I get there.

Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:48 pm
by rvgrammy1953
The 4 of us here have made reservations at the NCO Club here on the base for Thanksgiving no cooking for me!!! I usually do a pumpkin pie to have here in the camper, but may pass on doing that this I get to enjoy the parades in the morning and Ernie gets to watch the football games in the afternoon.... :lol: ;) Haven't done the cooking in about 10 years.....

Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:42 pm
by Carolinagal
I'm staying home this year and will be cooking. Just hope I remember how :lol: My daughter and family are coming here, she is bringing some of the meal with her. I have not had Thanksgiving at my home since 1994. I'm very excited about their coming she has my two youngest grandchildren, and they will be here several days.

Hope you all have a great holiday.


Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:33 pm
by avalen
I was planning on Thanksgiving here at the park, did that last year and it was fun, all
the turkeys were provided and residents brought the rest, but this year I got an invite
from my childrens dad, my ex, he's a retired chef and always does up a BIG spread.
I was banned from there a few years ago because his SO and I had a few words, or
actually a few UNwords cause I didn't say a thing back and thats what made him mad.
So the kids and grandkids are missing me and want to come over and the SO promised
to behave :lol:
No cooking for me either, but I will certainly help clean up AND pack up leftovers, thats
routine at his house. YUM YUM YUM

Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:44 pm
by Sparkle
If twice makes something a tradition - then here is mine. I should be on Aransas Pass Beach by then and last year I went to the Harbor and bought shrimp fresh off the boat. Oh Yum! One year I did make a Jennie-O turkey in the RV oven. It was pathetic.

Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:45 pm
by Bethers
The park here does an interesting Thanksgiving - we sign up by tables. I decided on the singles table over the workampers table. The park provides the turkeys, dressing, mashed potatos and gravy (volunteers make it) and each individual table brings all the other stuff. There are sign up sheets for each table, so we have very similar items, but not necessarily the same - for example, one of the things I need to bring is bread/rolls - and I can bring any kind I want. The person at my table with vegies can make any kind of vegies she wants, etc. I'm also taking an apple pie. So, I need to have enough of whatever I bring for however many at our table (tables can have up to 16).

I'm not cooking anything this year - my contributions will be store bought :roll: - But that's why I selected what I did - as I'm working every day this week, including Thanksgiving morning - and we eat at 1.

Then, Thanksgiving night - all the leftovers come out and we can all head back to the rec hall for those.

It's going to be fun to see all the tables - I'll try to remember to bring my camera - as each table decorates their own - Two of the people at our table asked to do decorations - I have no idea what they're doing - might be simple, might be extreme LOL The workamper table had it better - as the park pays for their decorations. Yep, I could have sat there - but another single workamper and I opted for the singles table for Thanksgiving.

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving - whether alone or with family. Remember - it's fine to be either - so please, whichever you are - don't get lonely (yep, you can get lonely with family and friends, too). I'll be very thankful for everything in my life - and you ladies are all a big part of what I'm thankful for - thanks for being here and being YOU.

Hey, Sparkle, want to come over and join us for leftovers on Thanksgiving night - and maybe play some games?

Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:27 pm
by Echo
I'm cooking here at home. Not sure yet who exactly will be here. I know for sure that at least Kelly and I will be. Not sure yet about David and Jenny? Last year we didn't have a 'home' to cook and host in, we were living in tents in Tracie's backyard. David and Jenny went to her Mom's then stopped over to see us.

Not getting to carried away with food and cooking. I did buy a 20lb turkey cause all they had were birds that weighed 13lbs and 20lbs. But anyway we're having turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed taters, squash, greenbean casserole, 1 small can of sweet taters, cranberry sauce and rolls. We will probably go out of our minds trying to figure out where to put it all in the fridge. Haven't gotten any pies yet. I might have to have David bring up my 12 volt cooler and converter so I can plug it into the house current to put some stuff into!!!

I miss my parents badly during Thanksgiving. OMG the people we use to have in the house for Turkey day. I use to host the feast too. Gads what was I thinking!! One year we had 33 people for Thanksgiving Dinner. I made 14 pies friends and family brought more. It's a good thing it was in upstate NY and cold. I had to store stuff out on the back porch laid out on top of the stacked firewood. Good thing I had cleaned out the mice and rats out of that old farm house. But my Mom would put on a feast that just would not stop. She would do up a ham and a turkey and all the fix'ens involved. Dad was like a precision surgeon cutting up the turkey it had to be just so. Oh what a mess to clean up after. But whoever cooked did not clean or wash up. WooHoooo

Well we are now gonna try and hammer out Thanksgiving day timings, comings and goings so that we can co-ordinate with Jenny's Mom.

Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:34 pm
by AlmostThere
I decided to stay home for Thanksgiving. The last couple years I have went to my daughter's but she always has to work and by the times she gets home she just wants to veg and be with her own family, so I'll let them do their own thing this year.
I'm cooking a turkey breast with sausage/mushroom dressing, mashed potatoes with manchego cheese, gravy, and garlic/sun dried tomato cornbread muffins. For dessert I bought one of those tubs of choc/choc chip cookie dough from the school fundraisers so will probably bake some of those. Or I still have lemon pound cake and chocolate pound cake frozen. I bought a loaf of whole grain bread for sandwiches the next day. I'll make paninis with a layer of turkey, dressing and a bit of cranberry sauce.

Re: Are you cooking ... where ya going for Turkey Day?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:31 am
by mtngal
Here in TX the younger generation has taken their turn at holiday dinners. I love it! My part is always the "dressing". When I asked if they wanted anything different this year, the answer was "MORE". So dinner is at 2 pm. No leftovers though, maybe I will cook a small turkey for the rest of the long week-end. At home in CA, dinner is still at my Dad's and all the family shows up there for the whole day. Everything is traditional at both ends. Too much food and too much fun. :D