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3 Month report

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:22 pm
by lak99
Since joining this group and deciding to try an extended trip, I have been LOVING IT!.
I left Michigan in November, drove through Ohio, part of Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee,
part of Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and am now in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Now I see how addictive this lifestyle can be. I am seriously thinking of returning to
Michigan and selling my house. I am sure that some of you have sold your houses to
full time RV.

My question is, have you had any regrets?

P.S. My kitties are doing just fine!

Re: 3 Month report

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:44 pm
by snowball
we sold our house to full time. I won't say that there have never been regrets...but they haven't been strong ones
just once in awhile when some one posts pictures of their new bathroom :lol: ...that type of thing...but for the most part can't imagine living
in something else other than my 5th the summer I park in front of one of my dd's house so do have a "house" environment to be in but also am glad to go out to my home..

Re: 3 Month report

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:15 am
by Bethers
No regrets here.

Re: 3 Month report

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:58 am
by rvgrammy1953
No regrets our house on wheels.... ;)

Re: 3 Month report

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:07 am
by Dawn309
No regrets here either. I love my MH. I have the freedom to take my "house" wherever I want. Now that I have lived in it since August, I am starting to think about painting some of the walls and adding some borders. Want to make it even more mine. There is a lot you can do to remodel with just a little paint.

Re: 3 Month report

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:37 am
by JudyJB
I sold my condo 10 months ago and have been full-timing for 9 months. No regrets at all. My home is now my RV and i feel very comfortable living in it. I have driven 18,000 miles through 23 states. I am looking forward to heading back to Michigan and Ohio to see friends and relatives, and then am heading west to Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, California, and the southwest for next winter.

People ask me how long I plan to do this and my answer is that I don't know, but that I don't see any reason for quit for a long time. I think only health problems would make me give it up.

Re: 3 Month report

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:42 am
by Redwahine
So glad you are loving the lifestyle. I have not full timed in an RV, but lived on a sailboat without a home base for 13 yrs. It was 13 years of one long adventure. :lol: Loved it. The only thing I missed was a bath tub in which to take long hot soaking baths. :lol: The only thing I would miss if I went full time again. Continue to enjoy the adventure. :P