Latest is that he is finally moved to a private room after spending two full days in the emergency area in a small examining room because the hospital is so full. On IV and nothing else, and waiting for levels to go down enough to have his gall bladder removed which they think is causing the problem. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next day. but no one knows. Anyway, he is comfortable. I have cancelled all reservations for next few days, but need to get to Napa by the 15th for an ophthalmologist appointment for myself for dye test of retina. Plans are for me to take over from other grandma with kids. Will park in their driveway but stay inside.
Hopefully he will be home by then. Daughter-in-law is going to try to store trailer here so son does not have to drive home. Son might be able to drive, but we may have to get help to hook it up or do it ourselves since I doubt if he will be able to do anything manual. Will wait until he is released, however. If we need to, will get help from someone in RV park. There is storage lot about two miles away--going to visit tomorrow and check it out. That way, daughter-in-law can drive truck home with son as passenger. Her dad has also offered to come down and help out if we need him.
Will reschedule Disney and a couple places on my own near San Diego for later in the spring.