What a fun topic A lot, of country's ancient plumbing can not handle toilet paper. I spent time in Bolivia too. Alot of the world have very old, insufficient sewer systems that can not handle TP. I was in Athens the summer before the Olympics and you were not suppose to put paper down the toilet. I can not imagine what the sewer system was like with millions of people during the Olympics. Let alone the mountains of used TP.
Living on a boat was different back in the 80s. There was a small holding tank, but only used when we were in a marina. Paper never flushed...bagged. But while at anchor or at sea everything was fish food. Even big ships did this until the laws changed in the 90s.
I personally love bidets. Had one in my house in Hawaii. Not the separate one. It was a separate hose with a personal squirt nozzle that was attached to the water supply at the wall by the toilet. I don't like having to move from one porcelain thrown to another Yes, urology/gyne drs recommend using them to help cut down on UTIs, etc and I for one believe it works. Here in TX I bought a water bottle with a sports top and refill it for my personal cleansing