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Re: With the new eye liner - scary me :)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:18 am
by Bethers
Must be mutual, Sparkle, cuz you never cease to amaze me either :)

Carold, I also had it thickened a tad - as I did pretty subtle the first time, also. I did do the bottom lid, but only 3/4's - instead of all the way to the inner corner. That was my choice and I'm happy with it. If I ever want it all the way in, I can always use traditional make-up to do so (probably will be too lazy to do it, though lol).

Jean, prices vary everywhere you go - but I paid $350 for both eyes top and bottom here. I really like the lady who did it. Several years ago when I wanted to get it done, I went somehwere and walked out cuz I just didn't get a good feeling from the person who did it. This time I had a recommendation from a couple people who had it done, and this lady has owned her same salon here for years - with happy customers. I'm gonna give her a shot at cutting my hair next week - pretty much gave her carte blanche - as I'm so sick of it - figure worst that can happen is I'll have to grow it back out. She wants to add highlights, too, but I don't know that I'll go that route. We'll see.

For me the price was good for what I got - and I love feeling like I look better all the time. And, yes, not having makeup run when I walk on the beach or go to the pool, etc etc -