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Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:00 am
by sunshinecruiserTN
Good luck and hope the evening was a safe one for you.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:10 am
by asirimarco
Haven't watched the new yet this a.m. but hope the night went well and the day will go better - stay safe.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:39 am
by Bethers
Just want to let everyone know that I am fine. If you're watching the news, the northernmost line they have for the worst of the storms is Corpus Christi- and I'm north of Corpus about 20 or so miles. So, yes, we'll get wind and rain - but so far, no biggie. But now we are also in a tornado watch - which I figured would be happening.

Peaches and I just came from about a 45 minute walk. We went out in a gentle rain, turned to a momentary downpour, then back to gentle rain and completely stopped for the greater portion of the walk. At least I know she's taken care of for several hours :)

I'm really concerned about the people in souther TX - around Brownsville - where they are very concerned about some of the levees, etc.

If by any chance I lose interent from both of my sources I promise to get a call out to someone to let everyonoe know that I'm ok. My cell phone is completely charged and that shouldn't be a problem.

BTW, those mosquitos I complained about came back out to attack me in my walk this morning - the second the downpour stopped. Those little buggers are getting squashed every opportunity I have - and I'm a pacifist - but not to those dang bugs. If I start looking like one big red welt, I'll take a picture for y'all to see. (And I need to find out what I'm doing different in my diet or something - as until a couple years ago, mosquitos didn't really care for me - or maybe it's just that I never spent time with the southern variety - and they find this northern girl a treat?)

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:47 am
by sunshinecruiserTN
Glad to hear from you Beth. Stay high and dry. I use Listerine to ward away those pesky little creatures that serve no known purpose as far as I'm concerned. Don't know if Listerine will work for those Texas sized buggers. My GN is in Corpus Christie in the Coast Guard, if you need help PM me and I'll hook you all up.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:15 am
by Sunseeker
Thanks for checking in, Beth. Isn't it just like you to be more worried about others in peril? Maybe old Dolly will just strut her stuff and dissolve into a good old fashioned thunderstorm soon.

I hope the tornadoes don't materialize in your area, but that seems like less of a threat to you. Do heed the warnings, even though you're not so scared of them.

Glad you got out with Peaches this morning...I bet she is too! Mosquitos seem to be more plentiful here in the south this year to me too. When Tommy and I went camping in lots of woods, we tried what one of our forum gals suggested...sprayer full of mouthwash, instead of sticky repellent. I want tell you that sure didn't help. But we enjoyed each other's minty freshness for hours :lol:

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:44 pm
by Liz
Thanks for keeping us posted, Beth. We're all checking on you.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:43 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Glad you and Peaches are all right.....Ernie says "look at the bright side......Shell hunting on the beach is suppose to be great after a large storm." So if you find some good ones, save them for safe and keep us posted.....


Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:03 pm
by avalen
so glad your doing good, and hope you don't get any tornados now either.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:23 pm
by Bethers
Just checkin' in before I turn off the puter for the day. There have been some really heavy rains and strong winds - gusts to 65 are supposed to continue tonight, lessen a bit overnight, then they are now saying we'll have gusts of from 50-65 mph again tomorrow, with the thunderstorms off and on all day - then tomorrow night see it all start abating - and Friday might be back almost to normal LOLOL - as if this never happened.

Now for a funny story. I watch for the breaks in the storms - so I can get Peaches outside then. Was one about 1/2 an hour ago- took her out - absolutely no one about - which I would expect (although last time I walked her today, ran into 2 others walking their dogs - we're all doing the waiting for a lull thing).

Then I came back around towards our rig - and notice a man and son sitting under the high portion of their 5th wheel (is there a name for that?). They had the bbq going and were cooking their dinner outside. I started laughing, thought it was a funny sight - especially since the wind was so strong and the rain was just starting again. Must admit tho - after I got inside, I wondered about the stupidity (sure hope the wife isn't a member of the forum LOLOL)

Night all - be safe - and thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I'll be back in the morning, God and power and internet willing.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:42 am
by Cedar518
Glad things are going ok for you Beth!

When I had 5th wheels i always called the high part "the nose"..... or "upstairs"...... I sure did love my 5ths,... Had a 32' Prowler, 27' Wilderness and a 29' Terry,.... and my X had a 29' Sandpiper. I miss all that space and storage,... and the "upstairs!" I could always see what was going on around our area of the campground,... ok, call me nosey! haha..... :D

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:34 am
by avalen
I call mine the "upstairs" part :lol:

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:30 am
by asirimarco
Morning Beth - Hope all is well with you and the wind and rain just lulled you to sleep. Let us know.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:51 am
by Cedar518
Bethers,..... is everything ok with you this a.m..... we haven't heard from you!

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:07 am
by Bethers
All's well here. I think the rocking and rolling actually helped me sleep (OK, I know I'm strange). I did get up every couple hours to look outside. Very little rain after midnight last night, just mainly winds. Winds still this morning and the threat of thunderstorms all day, of course.

Peaches and I walked down to the beach. The water level is back a bit (but we're not at or near high tide right now). So it's about 15-20 feet from our boardwalk now (realize normal would be 200 feet or more, I think - as there would be the sand road and a big area to play etc, before the water). The entire area from the water up to the boardwalk is covered in thick seaweed. Yes, we walked over it to the surf. Peaches likes calmer waters. So do I :) But she was one very antsy dog this morning - needed this exercise as she got so little yesterday.

Now we're back inside and ready if the thunderstorms come back out way. The worst is over, but now I'll be hoping we don't have any more gulf hurricanes this season! One was enough for this northern girl!

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:25 am
by mtngal
Very glad you "weathered" the storm so well! We are getting some spin off here, I got caught in a shower when out walking a few minutes ago. Diana