OH LADIES! Yo warm my heart....oh no, no "ew" on my laptop arghhhh. I camped yesterday, forgot that my HarBor drips when both side doors are open, had my opened laptop sitting there on my third seat before I realized it was getting dripped on from a slight rain shower that passed over--even having my awning extended which I thoght wold prevent that! Now, I gess I jst have to learn to type withot "ews". Thank goodness that's all I lost--at least so far. This is the first time I'm on my laptop since drying it qickly and trning it pside down to get any water ot. Gess I goofed big time on that.....
ANYWAY, I'm so thrilled to see all the greetings, starting with the beatifl cake! OMG, now why didn't I check General Talk yesterday? I don't know
I was online for a good part of the day
....got on early this morning, bt within seconds my battery was gone, and the CAMPGROND had qiet hors (I hope yo can figre ot all these words withot the "ew"
) , so I coldn't start the genny! Yes, "yew" all warmed my heart like nothing I've ever known! How very special to see all these warm, wonderfl greetings and wishes for a great day.
Now, I know I'm getting very wordy here, bt I'll try to tell yew qickly abot my day! I CAMPED! All my overnites have been more ROAD trips, sleeping in rest areas for the night. This time, I drove jst 50 miles from home to a lovely state park--got there at 10 a.m, parked the Harbor, and never moved it til 11 a.m. today! Wow, the joy of actally camping! I chose a site with no electric, abot a football field away from 10 big rigs "ew"sing electric. So peacefl!!! Walked the dogs arond the little man-made lake (a CCC project after which war? I don't remember). Sat beneath trees (was going to say "-nder"
), gathered wood/kindling to make a fire...bt then rain. Not real heavy, so I was able to sit beneath the awning still. Dogs fond it more comfortable inside HB! Slept well, trned the frnace on to get the dampness ot before bed, slept with a down comforter, "ewesed" the frnace this morning....DID NOT FLSH POOP DOWN MY TOILET
So "yew" know what I did.
Good grief, yew all know!!!
OKAY, I'm going on and on, better let yew get back to yor lives!!!
Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YEW ALL!!!!