mtngal - How was night 1?

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Re: mtngal - How was night 1?

Postby LegalLady » Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:51 am

Liz wrote: I recommend you affix small bubble levels (available at Walmart) on your driver's door (front-to back) and on your center console (side-to-side). That way, next time, you'll be able to see if you're level or where you need leveling blocks without getting up and down to check several times.

Liz, what a great idea!! I'm going to do that asap!

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Re: mtngal - How was night 1?

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:52 am

Oh, it looks and sounds like you had a grand 1st outing!!! Leveling need not be perfect.....we also use the "if we aren't sleeping up hill or down hill, or rolling into each other, or if the bathroom door isn't swinging freely and when sitting on the pot you're not up hill or down hill, we're pretty level ;) .....but we do carry some boards just in case there's a big issue...we use a regular carpenter's level......I have an issue about the slide being "leaning to the right" so Ernie knows to check that first, then the "bathroom test".... :lol: I guess the point is, if you are fairly level, fridge, etc., will be fine.......As Beth said....we also can't wait to see you at a GTG in your very own RV.....Happy Trails!!!!!!!!!
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Re: mtngal - How was night 1?

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:33 pm

I kept this website address for my own future use when, if, I ever see my dream of owning an RV. They offer lots of leveling options. I believe the person in the forum I got the info from used $2.69 surface level type you just sit on the floor of the RV and you can see how level all around you are with one glance. ... ria=levels
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Re: mtngal - How was night 1?

Postby sunshinecruiserTN » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:46 pm

Congrats, Diane. It sounds and looks like you had a terrific time, beautiful weather. thanks for the pix.
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Re: mtngal - How was night 1?

Postby Birdie » Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:00 pm

On the level stuff - I have a little tape measure that has a level in it. I also have 2 levels on the tt one at the front where I jack up/down the front and one near the door on the left side. I have found the front one lies about side to side level but the door one is right on for the front to back. So my rule of thumb is do the door level, set down the stablizers (some times I put these on the Rambles that I would use if I needed to lift a side up), and open the bathroom door and fridge door. If they are 'ok' then I am ok. If they swing wide arcs I guess I'd have to do something - not sure what as it hasn't happened....yet!

I like the propane for when there is no power. I think my m/w would work from the battery as it is about 800 watt. (I took out the 1100 watt one and swapped with my SIL for the smaller one - now that 1100 watt one was a stupid buy on my part! I thought it will fit so I'll put it in! Wrong thing to do. Now I more closely read about watts, and amps and stuff like that before I buy it.)

I would have loved the little birds, too, as it is migration time and they are all a flutter and flittering around right now. I too, like to watch the stars and those killer full moons :!: Love to hear the ocean roar at night when near the beach area. You are going to have so much fun.

Did you name your baby yet? When is your next trip to where?????
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