Has anyone bought one of these devices yet? I am still thinking about the possibility of falling and no one finding me.
One thing I did do before I went to England was to enable the "Location Services" on my cell phone. I had forgotten about it, so was surprised to get a text message from my older son saying he was glad I made it to Elko, NV, and was staying at the Iron Horse RV Park! You set this up on an i-Phone by going into settings and clicking "privacy." At the top of the list in that function is "Location Services" so you need to click it to turn it on. Then you go into contacts and select who you want to be able to see your location. Scroll down to where you see "Share my Location" and set it to "Share Indefinitely."
I also discovered that if you have an emergency and you have an i-Phone, you can push the button on the top of your phone five times.
I am going to look into the kind that hikers use that use GPS.