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Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:46 am
by asirimarco
Beth - we'll be watching the weather and praying Dolly doesn't say Hello to you - Mother Nature sure has ways to remind us we are just mortal. Sounds like the government of Texas is preparing to take action if needed - this time. We were in several earthquakes in California - at least they are quick and you don't have to worry for days about them coming. In fact they were the reason we moved to Indiana - only to have an earthquake here a couple of months ago - and tornado warnings and the flooding in the valleys below us. Hum did we make the right move?

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:43 am
by Getupngo
When I saw the weather on the Today Show this morning, Beth, you're the first person I thought of. Take care!

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:44 am
by Liz
I've been thinking about you too. I just pray that everyone will heed evacuation orders promptly. Even tropical storms are nothing to fool with. I imagine storm surge & flooding are a major concern on the right side of the eye as you will be. That's where the strongest winds are too. I'll be praying for your safety too.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:06 pm
by Bethers
Just a quick update, as I'm working today -

As Liz has said, Dolly is now slightly south of where they predicted yesterday and right now we're in the area for Tropical Storms not Hurricanes. I'm just praying that doesn't get upgraded.

As you all know, I would have pulled out if I wasn't working - but part of our job is to be here until everyone else evacuates the park (and board up, etc) before we evacuate. Believe me, if and when we are told during this or any storm this summer that we are to evacuate, I will be ready.

Meantime, I'll be hunkering down tonight for the winds (winds are already picking up here - but no rains yet - expected in a couple hours). Right now I'm going to take Peaches for a walk - she might not be getting much of one in the next couple days.

Thanks for your concerns and prayers. They are much appreciated....

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:17 pm
by Sunseeker
It's such a relief to hear from you and know you're still safe. I'm glad you are prepared to leave if it comes to an evacuation order..or even suggestion. We're only going to have rain here in Shreveport, so c'mon up.

Please post when you can. We're all on pins and needles for you.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:47 pm
by Bethers
Unless I lose power or get an evacuation order or lose internet, you'll have me around off and on all evening tonight. What else to do when it's rainy and windy but hunker down :)

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:14 pm
by Bethers
Just an update. Most of the tourists have left the island (notice I say MOST but not all). What amazes me are those that came in yesterday when we were being predicted to be hit by a hurricane LOL.

South Padre Island was evacuated we were told today. That is south of Corpus and will most likely feel more of the brunt. I'm north of Corpus and we are already seeing the 2 1/2 -3 foot wave swells. I've read some on forums saying that's all we'll get. The news here and the people here predict they will double tomorrow. And possibly more. However, that won't hurt us.

If Sparkle reads this, the beach and beach road both got completely covered by water duing the high tide tonight. Peaches and I were down there just before that to watch it - was really neat - but not someplace you'd want to be with an rv. I did see an idiot drive through the waves in his truck - deliberately - he was playing. We all were expecting him to be stranded there at some point.

We really do need the rain that'll be coming through. But I'm much more comfortable now - although I'm keeping my eye on the storm - as it can still take a turn and head north - we all know hurricanes often do the unexpected.

They say the oil platforms aren't in danger, but that didn't stop the prices from rising just on the possibility that they could be damaged and because the oil workers were evacuated. I think they just look to any even to raise prices!

If I were a tourist, I still would have left by last night - I think they are foolish for not doing so - but to each their own. And I can't talk, because I don't follow all the warning for tornados - so I guess those that don't for hurricanes aren't any different.

All that said- I'll be glad when it's Friday and this is mainly behind me. Thanks for all your support - it sure does a heart good to know there are friends who care.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:50 pm
by Cedar518
Whew,.... glad to hear the threat is lessened for you Beth. Take care of YOU.... ok?

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:12 pm
by SeeyaGal
Be careful Beth, I'm praying you'll be safe and sound.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:23 pm
by retiredhappy
Beth, be careful even if its "only" rain. If you're low lying, which it sounds like you are, the flooding can be as dangerous as the hurricanes. When you say the road flooded, does that mean you couldn't get out? Schreiner Park in Kerrville is looking for camp hosts. Don't put yourself in danger just for a job, please. Its their property, not your's. Keep us posted, we're all watching you.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:35 pm
by Bethers
No, Karen- the main road won't flood. The road I say is covered with water is the one along the beach. It can get covered just on some really high tides (as Sparkle is a testament to) and will be closed for the next couple/few days until the water gets back to normal.

There's an entire stretch on the beach where rv's can park/boondock - but obviously not when that stretch is under water like high tide tonight and probably most of tomorrow.

Funny - it hasn't even started raining here yet - but is both north and south of us. The clouds are going counterclockwise around us - because we are in a "turn" of the gulf - but right above us is still pretty clear. Oh, is probably raining east and west of us, too LOL - the clouds have been doing this around us all afternoon. Eventually they'll fill in. And I know I'll get the rain - if only so the mosquitos can get bigger and bite me more often. Maybe they can't bite me more often than they have this week, but if they get bigger, they can bit bigger and I can just scratch my whole entire body???

Can someone please tell me what we need mosquitos for? Do they have any useful purpose at all?

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:53 pm
by Getupngo
I just heard that Dolly is a Cat 1 and may be upgraded to a Cat 2 storm. I'm worried about you, Beth, and these storms are so wide I think it would take a fair amount of time on the road to outrun one.

Where are you exactly? Are you "on target" for the center of the storm?

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:59 pm
by Bethers
No, I am no longer in a Hurricane Watch area - as the storm turned somewhat south. I am in a Tropical Storm area - so we will get wind and rain - but the worst of it will be south of us (unless Dolly does any turning north during the night). The area I'm in has not been evacuated - or I promise I wouldn't be here. We need the rain - and right now the winds are less than they were this afternoon - so hopefully I'll sleep through when they start back up lol

Thanks for your concern - I really do appreciate it - and I hope I don't have to go through this very many times this summer! Let hurricane season stay away from Texas, please.

Now, I'm taking a book to bed - I'll let you all know how things are in the am, I promise :)

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:31 pm
by Getupngo
Good night ... I hope you have a quiet night.

Re: Dolly

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:36 am
by Cedar518
it's a.m. ...... waiting to hear you are ok Beth!