While I've only had my RV a couple of years, I lived for years out of a 64 sqft cab of a semi. Seldom knowing when I got up in the morning, which state I'd lay my head down in that night. Some of the best years of my life. To me, traveling around the country was as normal as some ride around town. I could rattle off Interstates and US routes from coast to coast like someone rattling off directions to get across town. There is a freedom and simplicity of being on the road. I had no house, no car and a room in my parents home if I wanted it. Preferred the bed in my truck over a nasty hotel and when I took a stop at Mom and Dads, I was ready to roll again in a couple of day. My Mom use to comment when the itch struck me. As I sit now in my house, I look at all the stuff I've collected and except for Phoenix and the GB, I'm no better off. Worst off actually in some ways but Mom is happy to know where I am. Some of use just have to wander. So until I can wonder again, I listen to the stories of others. In may ways my RV is my relief valve.
Those that don't understand, probably never will. Like trucking, life in a RV is a lifestyle. Either its in you or it's not. Don't allow others to trap you in their "security blanket" of their stuff or what is "normal" and expected. Go chase the white line and see what's over the next hill.