by Shirlv » Sat May 06, 2023 9:20 am
Evie, my balcony is a south facing cave and get to temps over 100° it has a wood floor. Iherbs do well but are in 12” pots which retains more moisture plus herbs are more drought tolerant. Basil struggles because it likes water. This year I planted it with a wick so hoping for more success. 25 houseplants have wicks and might over come the apartment. I would have wicks in outdoor plants but they are too big and heavy for me to set up. I have shade cloth ready for this year and will try using a small table fan to hopefully blow the hot air out of the cave. I use miracle grow potting mix so never fertilized. Think I will this year. Please share your adventure. Lol
P.s. if possible elevate your post off the concrete so air can get underneath, brick, wood, etc
She believed she could, so she did..R.S. Grey