by JudyJB » Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:20 pm
Yes, the latches definitely need to be improved, but I think it is the weight of stuff shifting that partially causes the opening.
The can thing is also good, but I also need to store liquids in bottles like oil, vinegar, etc. and am hoping this will help me do that.
My big problem is the large, deep drawer under the refrigerator that I put food in, but that has opened putting a large hole in the paneling opposite it. This paneling is on the side of the oven and is that very thin fake wood stuff. It has a hole about 2" by 3" and the factory is trying to follow the dealers' lead and claim I overloaded it, causing it to open. When they did that originally and refused to fix it (dealer, not factory) I asked the factory to give me a list of the weight limits of all drawers and cabinets, and of course, they said there was no such thing.
I have tried to take some of the heavy things out of that drawer, and frankly, it was never full of canned things and heavy bottles. I have to put a pillow on the floor when I travel so as to prevent the drawer from bashing into the paneling, which means I have to remove it to get to the bathroom each time--pain in the _ _ _ _. The factory has said only that they would "evaluate" it to determine if they would cover it on warranty. I am planning to put up a BIG stink. In fact, I will take a photo and post it right now. Stay tuned.
So, cabinet and drawer latches are on my long list of things I want fixed when I visit the factory "Customer Service Center" in November in Indiana. (Other items include an entrance door that does not latch well and bent steps that deployed at 50 MPH, hitting a national park log on the side of the road, a shower door handle that is hanging loose, etc, etc, etc.) We shall see how much service I get.