Oh, geesh! At least you didn't drown.
When I drove up to Oregon early spring, I stopped in Coos Bay, Oregon to meet an RVing friend. We hadn't seen each other in about five years, so it was pretty exciting. I was in a hurry to set up and didn't pay attention to what my inside faucets were doing. Turned on the water outside, then spent about an hour catching up with everything we;ve both been doing--at her rig. We decided to go out for dinner, so I walked back to my rig, opened the door--and realized I'd left a bathroom sink faucet on. Everything was nicely soaked, including all the carpet. I turned the faucet off, drained everything, and went out for Italian food. On the way back we stopped at the store to rent a carpet shampooer. Spent a couple of hours sucking up all the water, then kept heaters on for a couple of days. Lucky--no mildew or other serious problems. Talk about feeling stupid, though.