by kdmac » Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:29 pm
For the last three years, or so, I have googled, "RV Parks and Campgrounds" for whatever state I am interested in. For example I just type in, Utah RV Parks and Campgrounds" and a map pops up with the state broken into regions...real nice. Same deal with State Parks. Then I "Google Maps" and look at it via a satellite image and see what it really looks like, that seems to help me alot. I Google map it to see the mileage per various routes I may be interested in taking. I always like to sit with my Delorme Atlas in my lap and check things out the old-fashioned way...I will always do that regardless of high tech maps.
Someday I may spend the $40 for "Streets and Trips", only because it shows all gas stations en route and that is kinda handy...I believe it offers a satellite image to show the gas stations configuration so you know you can fit into it. Not totally far my eyeballs have worked just fine for that.