Surgery on the Horizon

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Re: Surgery on the Horizon

Postby AlmostThere » Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:05 am

Glad you talked to your doctor and found out exactly what he planned. Keep up updated!
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Re: Surgery on the Horizon

Postby Nasoosie » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:51 am

Gentleladybear wrote:I had my heart to heart with Doogie Housier yesterday (my young doctor). He said they will shave of the torn part of the menicus and it will stop the pain. I should be out a week, no driving no working. I talked to them at work today, since this is a workman's comp situation I am asking for this to be done on March 16th. That should give me plenty of healing time before I hit the road.

This sounds like a perfect plan of action, Nan! You will still have an uninjured (rough) meniscus in there to keep that knee moving for many years to come, but without the pain and grating of the injury! Doogie seems to know the way to go! Good luck in April, and you and Bear will be back on the hiking trails before you know it!
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Re: Surgery on the Horizon

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:48 pm

Sorry to learn you have to go thru this but know you will be "good to go" to better enjoy upcoming retirement when it is over.
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Re: Surgery on the Horizon

Postby Lotus » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:02 pm

Nan, I had a torn miniscus a number of years ago, and the surgery was successful. You'll be going in no time after surgery and physical therapy!!

Currently I still have knee problems due to osteo-arthritis. My knees seem to be an on-going issue, and I am hopeful that recent completion of joint fluid therapy, walking, and possibly weight reduction (I hope, I hope!) will help me to keep going for awhile before I resort to knee replacement. Ooops, do not intend this to be a thread hijack!

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Re: Surgery on the Horizon

Postby sunshinecruiserTN » Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:24 pm

Gentleladybear wrote:I had my heart to heart with Doogie Housier yesterday (my young doctor). He said they will shave of the torn part of the menicus and it will stop the pain. I should be out a week, no driving no working. I talked to them at work today, since this is a workman's comp situation I am asking for this to be done on March 16th. That should give me plenty of healing time before I hit the road.

This is like waiting on Christmas, hurry, hurry hurry April 8th. LOL

Of course they asked me if I would come back May 1 and work for a week....told them if I was here with nothing to do I might....but don't think I will be here....hurry hurry hurry. :lol:


JUST SAY NO!! They will keep you coming back as long as you keep going. Cut the cord! JUST SAY NO! :lol: :lol: You know I'm there for you.
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Re: Surgery on the Horizon

Postby mitch5252 » Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:28 pm


Nan, I'm really sorry you'll have to go through this, but it'll be over before you know it!

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Re: Surgery on the Horizon

Postby Gentleladybear » Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:44 am

My surgery has been set for March the 16th. Be glad to get this over and move on.

Doing a lot of house cleaning now so can sit back and enjoy while I recuperate. :D

Beginning to throw out, give away stuff. Going through all my clothes and only keeping what I think right now I can use camping.

Will keep you posted as I get my surgery done.
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Re: Surgery on the Horizon

Postby shnz821 » Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:29 am

Hi Nan!
I'm a newbie to this forum and just ran across your posting. I hope you don't mind my jumping in to comment. I'm sorry you are in pain right now, and I hope everything goes well with your surgery! I had this done on both of my knees (at the same time...not recommended, but I just wanted to get it all over with at once) about 8yrs ago, and was able to get up on crutches the next day and walk without them within 2 weeks. A very helpful thing is if you have a swimming pool nearby that you can use. Just simply getting in the water and slowly walking around will help you tremendously. The water will take the weight off your knees and there's no "impact" like walking on pavement. I actually took a water aerobics class at the local 24hr fitness after my surgery. The instructor realized that many people were there with various ailments, so she let us move at our own pace. Don't use the hot tub or jacuzzi though. Heat is bad for an injury like this. You want cold, not hot.
Good luck to you in your recovery!
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