Oooops ....

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Oooops ....

Postby Getupngo » Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:20 pm

Brought my rig home from the shop, and thought I'd put my super-dooper backing skills to work. I put it perfectly where I wanted it -- and knocked my scooter over. :shock: At least these aren't the FIRST dings I've put in that bike. LOL

What makes this worse is that I ran all around the area where I planned to back it and moved wheelbarrows, garden tools, etc. And the BIG YELLOW THING just sat there. These are times I'm SO glad I don't have a husband to stand and huff at me -- then next time (and the next and the next) tell me I can't back up. :roll: I break it, I fix it.

I thought I was putting my rig to bed for the winter, but I just signed up to go to Camp Obama here in Utah, in preparation for going over to work on the campaign in Colorado. The idea of going off into the unknown scares me ... but hey, what's new? :lol:
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Re: Oooops ....

Postby Bethers » Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:22 pm

Ouch, I hope the new dings to the scooter are minor ones. And I'm glad you get to head back out again - enjoy the time. What work are you doing for the campaign? Tell us all about it.
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Re: Oooops ....

Postby Getupngo » Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:07 pm

Just back from Camp Obama. The campaigning will be typical stuff ... helping volunteers canvass neighborhoods, call voters, help them get mail-in ballots and get voters to the polls. But the way they do it is anything but typical. I cannot believe how sophisticated the Obama campaign is, yet it truly is a bottom-up grassroots movement.

At its heart is a computer system developed by the same guy who created Face Book (in fact, it coordinates with Face Book). You create your own "My Obama" page and tap into everything that is going on campaign-wise in your area. Emailing and text messaging keeps supporters instantaneously abreast of all the latest news. Without permission from "higher-up," anyone can form support groups (Moms for Obama, Veterans for Obama, etc.) and create events ("Barack O'BBQs"), host calling and canvassing parties and do lots of other things to support and fundraise for the candidate. The web site provides phone calling lists for swing states and keeps track of what a person accomplishes and rewards those who put in the most work for the campaign.

Since Utah is not just a red but SCARLET state ... Utah is funneling its efforts into turning Colorado blue. Out of its headquarters AND people's homes, volunteers man phone banks to persuade Colorado voters and to that end the campaign is trucking dozens of volunteers into the state every weekend. The training, support and technical expertise is mind-boggling, and individual, small donors number in the millions. Political scientists are going to study this phenomenon for years.

I'll keep you all posted as I dive into this new experience. Don't worry ... I'll just tell anecdotes and keep rhetoric out of the forum.
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Re: Oooops ....

Postby Bethers » Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:49 am

Janice, it sounds fascinating - please do keep me posted at least.

And ladies, you can all give your views on who you like/dislike, but if you do so, remember - we still love each other - and do it with respect as so far all in this forum has been done. Can't say enough how great this group of women is - and with each new member, grows and gets even better.

Oops, not meaning to side-track your thread, Janice - but just wanted to give a reminder - that we all are entitled to our political slants - and maybe we can bring someone to our side - but if so, it will be because we do it gently and kindly :)

I worked for a candidate many, many moons ago - it was a very big learning experience for me - and I know things have changed drastically since then - but I'll never forget working the polling places - makes me look close at them when I vote, now. And in Alabama - I was amazed that I voted in the middle of an open room - they didn't even provide a booth for us. Thought booths were standard. This year I'll be voting absentee ballot.
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Re: Oooops ....

Postby carold » Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:49 pm

I love that we can agree to disagree on whatever. I sent in my abseentee ballot last week. I have done different types of volunteer work, including working for candidates. It's a good feeling to give back and not get to wrapped up in just me. carold
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Re: Oooops ....

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:23 pm

It doesn't matter who you support but that you exercise your RIGHT to vote. I do wish they would keep on the issues and stop the mudslinging which really turns me off.
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Re: Oooops ....

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:31 pm

Our absentee ballots went out Friday to already voted.... ;) No matter who you like, do VOTE..... :) That's all I'm going to say on the subject...cause I'm so tired of 2 years of politics.... :( And those of you who know Ernie......well, I sure do deserve a medal for patience...... :roll: :lol:

But sure do love the man....

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Re: Oooops ....

Postby Getupngo » Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:34 pm

I'm glad to hear you are all voting ... the ability to have opinions and make a difference -- whether at the ballot box or going door-to-door ... that is what makes America great. Love you ladies. :D
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Re: Oooops ....

Postby snowball » Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:05 am

we too have already voted now can just ignore it huh the die is cast!!!
And you are all right it is important to vote
Janice did you get lots of snow we didn't get much and it was melted by afternoon
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Re: Oooops ....

Postby Getupngo » Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:58 am

Sheila, at home I got pretty much what you got ... but I went to the commissary at HAFB and it was SNOWING there with lots still on the ground. Lake effect. (for those not in Utah ... Salt Lake City is south of the Great Salt Lake ... but the air force base is in Ogden, which is north and just east of the lake).

I went with my friend Frank and wish I could shop there all the time. I was like a kid in a candy shop (or is it bull in a china shop?). And for both of us the total came to $110. It was like shopping during the 1990s.
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Re: Oooops ....

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:58 pm

Ooooops, is right,.... but hey we ALL do those things. It's part of life. Glad it wasn't more serious.

Re: Oooops ....

Postby snowball » Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:39 pm

my oldest daughter lives in Ogden they had so much snow that it split a tree in halve did not help that her husband was in the hospital but some friends came and took care of it.
See you soon
For those who haven't heard of the "dreaded lake effect" when it kicks into effect one area of the valley may get a skiff of snow and another area may get feets of snow and they maybe seperated by a street really weird. And if you are not aware of this it can threw you for a loop. Worked over in the west side of town and lived not far off I-15 and got hit by the lake effect couldn't get out of the area. And boss who was from Florida and not aware of lake effect all but called me a lier when I said I couldn't get to work cause of the snow!!! When I went to work the next day could understand why they couldn't have had a 1/4 of an inch
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