The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

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The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby oregontocal » Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:39 pm

I promised earlier to tell Trudy about the adventure she missed today. Here goes.

If you'd like, look on a map of Northern California, about halfway between Red Bluff to the north and Sacramento to the south, along I-5. There’s a small town called Maxwell located between Willows and Williams. I was getting tired of driving and needed a break for lunch, so turned off what I THOUGHT was Highway 45, which parallels I-5 a little east. Well, couldn’t find a shady spot nor a spot to turn around and get back on the highway. No cross streets, no nothing. No way I wanted to unhitch the pickup, unless really necessary.

Okay. Trudy knows I’m all for driving adventures, but not so much when I’m driving an RV towing another vehicle. Anyway, I kept driving on the road, which turned to well-packed gravel quickly. In fact, highway crews were running pilot cars part of the way. I figured the road must eventually go to I-5 so wasn’t too worried. However, then I noticed this sign: Narrow, winding road for 18 miles. Nothing about a dead end or anything like that. I still wasn’t too worried. After all, I’d driven the RFH (road from hell) – Coffee Creek Road many times and it was much, much worse. I kept on going. Reached a crossroads of sorts, with a sign pointing in two directions. I didn’t recognize the town names that were 15-25 miles away to the right, so turned left. First mistake. It was narrow, it was winding. And, it was also very pretty going driving through the mountains. Figured there were just a number of large ranches on the way to the freeway. Second assumption mistake. Finally had to turn on the air conditioner because it was just to dusty even going 15 MPH.

Just when I figured the freeway would be around the next bend, I ended up at a DEAD END on someone’s ranch area. Nowhere to go, certainly no freeway. A very nice young man asked where I was going and I showed him my map. I had no idea there was a frontage road paralleling I-5 – wasn’t shown on the map—but I’d been on it before turning off. Duh. It wasn’t Hwy 45 at all. The only way to get out of there was to drive all the way back to town. However, the first problem was turning around. Nowhere to do it.

Well, I guess everyone can use practice in unhitching a toad from the towbar. But we first had to figure out how to get the car straight enough to do that – and there was a huge pile of hay bales in the way. Well, somehow I managed to pull just far enough ahead so we could pound out the pins holding the towbar to the pickup. I backed up the pickup and moved it to a better spot, out of the way. Then had to back up the RV to get it somewhere I could re-attach the pickup and get out of there. The guy was very, very helpful and we managed to get it all done. He showed me the best way to get back to the road, and I handed him a $20 dollar bill and gave him my most sincere thank you.

Back to the road and finally back to town. Turned out the entrance to I-5 South was about 6 blocks the other direction. And it had definitely been a frontage road I’d been on since Corning.

I’m now at the Happy Time RV Park in Dunnigan, very reasonable at $19/night. It’s right by the freeway, but has a pool and all hookups. I can stand that for tonight, especially since I pulled in here at 4:30 because I didn’t want to drive in through Sacramento in rush hour traffic.

So, Trudy, wouldn’t you have loved to go on that little adventure with me? :roll:
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Re: The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby NakedPupsAndMe » Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:45 pm

OMG! :shock: I can't imagine going through that! My menopausal nerves couldn't take that much adventure! :lol: Glad you are finally parked for the night.
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Re: The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby Mollysmom » Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:52 pm

Holy Crap !! I don't need that kind of adventure !!!
I did have to turn around on a little road one time on the way here and then I went the wrong direction for about 20 miles - there wasn't any place to turn around so I sort of understand - my "wrong way" was on a paved road at least !
There are some really nice and helpful people in the world and I'm glad you found one of them !!
Be careful of those "adventure roads" !!!
Glad you're snuggled in safe and sound.
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Re: The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby carold » Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:56 pm

Maybe we should retitle this The Misadventure :lol: on Day Two. Dontcha just love having these little tales to remember your travels. Glad it all turned out well and by the way-I'll be that cowboy was impressed with how you handled the situation :roll: carold
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Re: The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby Bethers » Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:44 pm

I'm sitting here giggling - you wrote that so well. I've had some of those misadventures - as I turn down all kinds of roads. But, I don't tow - and I can do a 3 point turn (well in the mh, figure it to be a 4 or 5 point turn, but can do one one most any road - which is why I turn down all kinds of roads. Wonder if and when the day comes when my rig is any bigger or I'm towing, if I'll remember that it might not be the thing to do.

I'm always happy to hear about the good samaritans - are so many of them out there - but too often only the jerks get written about. Hats off to your good guy! And to you for keeping your wits and still being able to laugh about it.
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Re: The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby avalen » Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:04 pm

oh my goodness, and I know that wouldn't be any fun, I've made the mistake
of turning my 40' bus into a dead end street and having to turn around in
a cul de sac with cars parked around, its hair raising and makes ya break
out in a sweat :lol: I hate when that happens. So glad you were able to
get help and get turned around and be on your way. Umm, lets not do
that again :lol:
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Re: The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby SeeyaGal » Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:01 pm

Been there done that! We were trying to find my Sisters house in Eugene Oregon and asked a guy for directions and he sent us down a dead end road!! We had the Tropi-Cal then and it was 37ft and had to disconnect the Jeep and we had to BACK a long ways out with both till we got to a street we could back into and turn around. DH was not a Happy Camper!!! :x We got all turned around and it is dark now but got the Jeep reconnected and finally found where we needed to go.
Another time we missed a turn and stopped, disconnected and backed up and reconnected.....we try to not do that anymore and thanks to Garmina the GPS we haven't found anymore dead end streets or miss our turns.
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Re: The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby mtngal » Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:16 pm

Oh Chris! your title scared me, wondered what had happened on the freeway! Glad you are settled in to a camping spot, and before dark too. My worst wrong turn was with a friend and her horse trailer, we eventually got turned around with the help of a rancher too. I'm headed up I 5 tomorrow to Redwood Valley and then Fort Bragg, I'll give you a wave on the way by!
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Re: The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby Echo » Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:51 am

OMG! LOL I've been there done that with the tractor trailer following directions that the company gave me! WoooWeee. I've turned around at farms, in 4 way cross roads and have had to back up for over a mile to get to some where I could get turned around. My heart was in my throat the whole freaking time. Whew
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Re: The Adventure on Day Two of California Highways

Postby retiredhappy » Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:53 pm

You just wrote about my worst fear altho I've had to disconnect several times, turn around and rehook. My language is NOT good. Ask pattyK about the great road I took her down in Wyoming.
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