1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

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1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby Colliemom » Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:45 am

Now that I have found my rig and taken the first trip with it, my next project is on the horizon. My truck is under lease, miles are rolling up, going to have to turn it in before lease expires. Good truck, tows the trailer well etc., equipped with tow equip. etc. But for the buy out price I think I would be better off putting that toward a new one. Now I am debatig as to whether or not to get another 1/2 ton extended cab again cause the trailer fully loaded only weighs a bit over 4,000 lbs. But on the other hand, if later down the way here, I decide to go to a FW, maybe I should get a 3/4 ton and have the truck capable of pulling that. Gas mileage is better on the half than the 3/4 but we didn't buy our rigs for gas mileage :) I really like the floor plan of the Springdale's FW with the slides and the back area with recliners. Might be next on my list or I might just keep the Rockwood till ? Going to get to a point where the distribution hitch is going to get too heavy for me in a few years. It's heavy now.

Soos, I'm waiting to see the pics of your "Greatest Truck in the World" !!
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Re: 1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby Nasoosie » Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:50 am

Colliemom wrote: <<<<<snip>>>>>>>>>

Soos, I'm waiting to see the pics of your "Greatest Truck in the World" !!

] These pics are from when it was brand new, before I had the camper top installed on it. Below are the current pics of it.

This morning's snow has melted away, and the sun has been out all afternoon. The temperature has never risen above 46 degrees, however, and the wind is relentlessy howling! BRrrrrrrr! Here are a few new truck pics-----pretty boring, when you can't ride in it!

From the front......

From the side.....

And from the rear!

Both doors open to show front cab and Molly's spot in the back.


Radio and more---heater, MP3 hole, USB slot, CD player, trailer brake, and other stuff I can't see from here!

Gauges and more.

Rear electric window with defroster----basketball standard that needs work out back!

And now:

The sleeping area of my new truck camper-top/tent combo. The tailgate is down, the top cover is part-way up, and the sleeve from the tent is around it all. This makes a nice, secure sleeping area, off the ground.

View of tent with truck secured in tent sleeve.

Side view of the setup.

Another side view of the setup.

The potty section of the tent! That's a Thetford Campa-pottie which I've had for a number of years, but have never used. I usually just use a luggable loo----a bucket with a snap-on toilet seat which I can empty every morning in the campground bathrooms, or the music festival porta-potties.

My view from my practice set-up site!

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Re: 1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby Marslet » Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:49 am

As the owner of both kinds of trucks all I can give you is my opinion. We had the 3/4 ton crew cab for over 8 years, never had a problem with it, except the gas mileage. woo wee 13 on the open road and 7 pulling something. Now this was when gas was a little over 1.50 a gallon, not 3 to 4 a gallon.
You can get different size engines in the 1/2 ton truck. How much you can pull depends on the size of your engine and the rear end of your truck, unfortunately, your gas mileage is tied to the rear end too. The new 1/2 tons really do pull quite a bit more than the old 1/2 tons. I have a cousin that just bought a 1/2 ton with the larger engine and her book says she can tow 10,050 pounds. I think her engine is 5.4 L. My turck is a 2008 model, 5.7L and I can safely pull around 8900 pounds. But I have a Mega cab which is quite large.
My trailer weighs 6200 pounds, fully loaded for camping. I like to leave quite a "pad" between my trailer weight and what I can tow. Have never had a problem pulling anything with a half ton. Now if you go for a 5th wheel, then I would recommend you go for the 3/4 ton. Have seen 1/2 tons pulling some monster campers, but it isn't the pulling that counts, it is the STOPPING.
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Re: 1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby Redetotry » Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:17 am

Gas mileage is sure something to consider, glad I'm looking for a little Class B!
Don't take the salesperson at a truck dealerships word for whether or not the truck you choose has what you need to tow! Some just guess.
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Re: 1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby JanetA » Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:16 pm

I vote 3/4... anytime! Better to be OVERpowered than UNDERpowered. I've pulled lots of campers in my time (w/ex) and we ALWAYS pulled w/ a 3/4 ton. HALF tons pull boats and teeny campers (like casitas, etc.) but for the full sized ones,, well,, i think i've made my point.

I sure am leaning toward a B or B+.... for now. I know I wanna go where NO WOMAN has gone before,, so...

what cha'll think? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Re: 1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby Excel » Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:38 pm

From my experience & having been married to a trucker....3/4 ton is the safest way to go unless you plan on towing something very small...The point is, you'll be okay in the future should you wish to tow something larger .... and then of course ... towing up a mountain & braking coming down is so much safer & easier on the engine in a 3/4 ton. Just my 2 cents... Good luck with your choice... 8-)
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Re: 1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby OutandAbout » Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:46 pm

I vote for the 3/4 ton also. Better more and not "need" it for the current TT, then not have enough. If you are already thinking about a 5W, then definitely go for the 3/4 ton. JMO Linda
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Re: 1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby VickieP » Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:33 pm

I vote for the 3/4 ton too! Only because you are already thinking ahead of something bigger. We're on our fourth 1ton :D (it's a man thing :roll: ), but we have a really heavy TH.
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Re: 1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby Colliemom » Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:08 pm

Thanks for your votes and opinions ladies. Always nice to hear what others have to say. As to the salesman, I don't worry about them. I deal direct with the owner or should I say part owner (vice predisent) of the dealership. Have known him for over 30 years so no worries there. Price is also going to play in this. The 3/4 aren't cheap! My current truck has a 5.7 V8.

As to the Class B - B+, I considered that too. But afterlooking them over and looking at prices, I decided not to go into one. Need room for the dogs plus you can by a good Class C for the price of a B. But down the line, who is to say that I might decide to go MH to so I can travel without towing. But that would be at least two years from now.
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Re: 1/2 ton vs. 3/4 ton

Postby Colliemom » Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:12 pm

Soos, I forgot to mention that I love your truck camper set up. I thought about that too, but with three collies, decided I needed something they could get in and out of and not rip through the screns or something. I've camped in back of trucks before and really like it.
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