Turbo Tax Online

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Turbo Tax Online

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:42 am


Several weeks ago, we purchased (at Sam's Club) Turbo Tax for TY2009. George has since misplaced the program. I really don't feel like spending another fifty bucks on a second copy.

Has anyone tried the free online version? Thoughts?

And this will be the first time in my entire life that I have done the income taxes! YIKES! I'm nervous as heck, and hope there's nothing to it!

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Re: Turbo Tax Online

Postby Bethers » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:50 am

A friend of mine has used both the paid and free programs - got the same results. Now, you can't use the free program if you have certain things - so make sure you qualify to use it - if you do - go for it.
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Re: Turbo Tax Online

Postby Redetotry » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:57 am

Mitch, ask your neighbors who a good CPA tax person is in the area especially if you have never had experience in doing taxes. Be aware that if you have investments and have sold any you need to know what your cost basis was,capital gains have to be reported, losses etc. also if have enough for medical deductions, your mortgage interest, were some of the new items you bought eligible for the rebates and the list goes on, unless you are filing a standard form IMHO you'll save money by paying someone to do it for you!
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Re: Turbo Tax Online

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:36 am

Redetotry wrote: IMHO you'll save money by paying someone to do it for you!

I always use Turbo Tax online,...but i get the upgraded version, next one above the free one. As it's your first time I agree with Redetotry ... IF you have a complicated return. If, like me, you have a simple life go for it online. TT walks you through everything ...

Re: Turbo Tax Online

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:51 am

I do it on-line for free but I also don't have any property, investments, etc. Just the 'easy" short form. When I sold my condo and moved to Denver, it got complicated so I hired someone to do it and I ended up getting a lot more money back than I ever expected (they know about all the deductions you can take, etc.) so that was worth it to me.
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Re: Turbo Tax Online

Postby bikerchic777 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:36 pm

I have use Turbo Tax and another online one that was good. I was single and not too complicated. They ask you a ton of questions, much like the programs the tax preparers do. They have a computer program they plug figures into, also. I did make a mistake and the IRS caught it pretty quick and sent me more money! Can you believe it? We definitely have to pay a tax lady now! We did a ton of junk last year. J screwed up by not paying estimated taxes and owes big time, so I'm having her split it up for me, since I didn't earn much. I do have a penalty for taking some of my investment money. Our lady used to work for the IRS so she's good!
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Re: Turbo Tax Online

Postby VickieP » Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:11 pm

I have used Turbo Tax Online for many years, but not the free version. They have different ones, depending on your individual needs. It doesn't cost anything to prepare your taxes on there, you only pay when it's final and want to print & mail or efile. I'd say, look at your previous years returns, get the info booklets from the post office or order them online (for any changes this year) try the turbo tax online and if at any time you decide that you don't feel comfortable with what you are doing, then take it to a professional. I like it because I can do part that I know, then gather other information I need, log back in and update at any time or you can revisit parts you've already answered if you need to change anything.
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Re: Turbo Tax Online

Postby retiredhappy » Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:48 am

Since my taxes are simple I've used the free online versions of Turbotax and Taxcut.
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