by Getupngo » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:53 am
This might be a good way to wrap this thread up. I loved this post by "Squadleader" from Richmond, VA, on women driving big MHs.
My wife put driving a coach in better perspective than had ever occurred to me.
She said if Mrs. Schwartz (our kids 70 year old bus driver) could drive her school bus on all the tiny twisty roads in our rural area including the backing necessary to turn around in cul de sacs, then she (my wife) could certainly drive our coach.
After I thought about that, I realized there are probably many more women driving bus, coach or coach like vehicles in America than men. Most school buses are 36 to 39 feet long, the same length as all but the longest coaches.
When we first got our 40 foot coach, my wife was intimidated by its size and didn't want to drive it.
She was finally willing to try it on a straight stretch of interstate and did fine.
After that, while I was driving in towns, I would point out how I was going straight as long as possible before turning the wheel hard in turns, to keep the rear wheels from hitting curbs and to remember to watch the butt of the coach since it swings in the opposite direction of any turn she's making.
She began driving it in town and now is comfortable driving it anywhere.
Her realization, after driving our coach on the interstate, that most most school buses are driven by women, gave her lots of confidence and also challenged her to develop the skills necessary to do it herself.
I offer this as encouragement for any of our forum sisters who are reluctant to climb into the captain's chair.
Janice traveling solo in a 2008 Four Winds Windsport
Navigator: Annie the miniature poodle
2011 Honda CRV toad