retiredhappy wrote:My medicare insurance just raised its premium from $172 to $215 a month. It will now cost me $4.00 a prescription for generic drugs (I take 5 meds) which used to cost me nothing IF I ordered a 90 day supply by mail. Now all of this doesn't sound like much BUT my income certainly didn't go up - as a matter of fact it went down slightly because the income tax taken out is higher than it was. Now I could maybe understand these raises IF, IF, IF the insurance companies weren't making such HUGE profits. In my opinion, we need to vote OUT everyone in the congress and senate and put some people in there who will get the job done and stop playing politics. The people in office don't have a clue what is going on with the general public that they are supposed to be representing. Obama's bill may not be the perfect solution but he is trying to DO SOMETHING. When I told the drug company "Why should I pay you a premium PLUS a $4 per drug copay when I could just go to Walmart and buy my generics at $4.00" I was told I would be fined a penalty if I didn't HAVE a drug plan. Maybe I'll just go to Mexico and get my drugs - does anyone know what the rules are about bringing prescription drugs over the border?
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