Nothing like someone getting our curiousity all out of whack early a Monday morning!! No telling what you are up to , Liz. Whatever it is, is sure to be fun for all of us. Hope you have a great day, and I like everyone else, will be looking for the answer to this puzzle, of where is Liz?
Beautiful day here, sun looks gorgeous, leaves are drying, I hope so I can rake some of them up. Unless of course, I get a call that shocks are in shop or that my door, for rv that I have been waiting for since Alaska trip to get here,has finally arrived. They come in wrong size, or damaged, so am praying for one to arrive, that can be hung.
Safe and Happy travels all,
I always say, never do today, what can be put off until tomorrow, if there is something fun or exciting to do. The work stuff will always be here, when you aren't. Don't remember what age I was, when this popped into my head and lifestyle, but life is sure more fun and makes you appreciate each day more. Of course, I am the only one to live in the dirty house, I leave. lol: