by MandysMom » Wed Oct 13, 2021 2:05 pm
We lived for 7 years, across the little valley from the Stead Air Facility, north of Reno. Each fall, the Blue Angels or the US Air Force (plus Canadian Snowbirds) teams flew in. They buzzed our house, because we were under the flight path to the runway. One year I had my Navy Reserve unit over, on the weekend of the Reno Air Races. The Blue Angels knew we were there, because of the Navy Reserve center at Stead, so they flew over us and gave us a wing salute/dip several times. Two years we also met them at the Redding Air Show, as we were asked to set up a first aid station at the air field. So the Blue Angels were in the hanger right behind us and we spent time together. In 1981, when they came to the Reno Air Races, Mel was due for reenlustment for his next 6 year contract. We are allowed to request special details for swearing in ceremonies. Mel requested being sworn in, under the wing of a Blue Angels Me (I was a Navy Lieutenant ) . The Navy said yes. So we have great photos as the entire Air Show audience and air crews, watched, as I swore him in and signed his final contract! I have great photos of that day. Much later, we were on an all military cruise in San Francisco bay, during Fleet Week. The Blue Angels were informed who was on the ship, so, once again we got a special show, as, because it was an all Military cruise, we were allowed to stop for a while in the bay, next to their practice flight path. The Blue Angels are very special to me, and are my brothers and sisters Navy wise.