fall colors

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fall colors

Postby snowball » Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:12 pm

I know that different areas have different trees so their "fall colors" can be different...
one of the up coming afghans I want to do she loves fall colors he loves blue any color of blue
so am trying to figure out the fall colors I want I actually have two fall colors plus a blue
if you are interested in looking at the pattern google Navajo Afghan it makes a diamond shape
the afghan I make uses 4 colors
1 color is border and 1 row that separates colors that butt up to the same color... the sequence is
color A border plus one row to begin the pattern
Color B 3 rows
color C 3 rows
color D 3 rows
Color A 1 row
Color D 3 rows
Color C 3 rows
Color B 3 Rows
Color A 1 Row
Color B 3 rows
Color C 3 rows
color D 3 rows
color A 1 row
this makes what I call a section
I am thinking of these colors blue for the border (it's called Ocean very pretty blue)
Autumn red and pumpkin one will be B and one will be D not sure which will be which
so wondering about what color to have C be... yellow was the first thought but then I thought why can't I do something different and have Color C be different colors in different section's ???? just to make me go crazy I guess :roll:
In my neck of the woods our fall colors are red, orange and yellow depending upon the year some brighter some muter
what colors do you see in your neck of the woods???
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Re: fall colors

Postby Bethers » Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:31 pm

Instead of different colors, how about different shades of the three colors. I'd stick with red, orange and yellow and maybe mix in different shades of each of those. That's how fall colors to me look the best.
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Re: fall colors

Postby brendac » Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:17 am

A few years ago I made a shawl for a friend who loves Fall colors. I used a variegated yarn that had brown, dark green, burnt orange, yellow and muted red. She loves it.
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Re: fall colors

Postby snowball » Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:06 pm

that is a thought Beth.... thank you
Brenda it sounds really pretty... haven't convinced myself yet that variegated yarn would work but it may and
I've just not realized it...hope to see you sometime we have more here for the show but am sure when it closes a lot
will leave...
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Re: fall colors

Postby brendac » Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:52 am

Sheila I am not certain if that yarn is still available. It was a Caron Simply Soft yarn. I thought it might be a good guide as to Fall Colors though.
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Re: fall colors

Postby snowball » Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:54 pm

Brenda that is the brand that like using Caron Simply Soft it is so soft and no color number so don't have to watch that
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