What this means is that anyone can download my book for absolutely free (nothing to buy, nothing to sign up for, no "trial period" of Kindle Unlimited or anything else).
I think the only requirement is that one needs to have an existing Amazon account.
So if any of you have grandchildren (or greats!) with an e-reader, who might like to get a free book to read over the Holidays, please give this a try.
The book has been very well received (currently with eleven 5-star Amazon ratings - no rating less than 5-stars), has sold around 500 paperback copies, and the free download is my way of "giving back" during these troubling times.
Interestingly, all of the written reviews - all positive - have been from adults - so if you are curious, please take a look (book cover image is below in my signature space):
If you don't have an e-reader, the book can actually be read on the book's Amazon page, once it has been "purchased" (for zero dollars on the above designated days).
If anyone has any questions, or has problems with the download (on the designated free days), please do let me know.
Thank you.
