This was posted on Maggie Sanders FB page today by her sister, Kathryn Sanders;
“Maggie Sanders ended her journey with cancer just after midnight this morning. Mark, Nina Sanders, Dag and I all had the opportunity to be with her and she was surrounded the love of all her friends and family. We have all been so touched at the outpouring of support and care that people have sent.
Maggie Sanders was an active person in many circles and loved being part of every community. All of the messages, cards and flowers were something we went through every day and she could provide every detail of context on everyone until the end. She could certainly remember things that Mark and I could not - which was her super power.”
Maggie Sanders (sandersmr) was part of this forum. She & her companion Mark camped with dogs in a travel Trailer. She was an awesome Dutch Overnight cook and enthusiast. She was a good friend and will be missed. Prayers for her family.