"The Big Burn--American Experience"

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"The Big Burn--American Experience"

Postby JudyJB » Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:53 am

I am just watching the end of a really interesting PBS program titled "The Big Burn--American Experience." It is about the huge fire in the northern Rocky Mountains in 1910, but it is also about the birth of the U.S. Forest Service and the first forest fighters. Since forest fires have been such a hot topic this year and last, I thought some of you might find it interesting. In addition, a lot of us camp in Forest Service land, so interesting from that perspective, as well.

I don't know when it has been or will be seen in your area, but here is the Oregon PBS information on the program. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/burn/
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Re: "The Big Burn--American Experience"

Postby Cudedog » Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:43 am

Looks very interesting, Judy. Thanks for posting.

Just checked on the PBS website, it can be streamed online here (for those that hang around close to home with a fast broadband connection):


Just checked, I can't (yet - likely it will be accessible in a few days) stream it on my Roku, but I'll definitely watch it this evening on my laptop.

I know that various documentaries about the Camp Fire are in the pipeline as well. I'll post links on the Camp Fire thread as I become aware of them.

I love PBS programming. PBS is the only channel I pay dollars to subscribe to. A fast $6.00/mo. Definitely worth it - I can watch literally hundreds of PBS shows on my Roku with this subscription. I binge-watched "Victoria" last year (love that binge watching!), but this year it is just one episode a week.

Thanks again!

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Re: "The Big Burn--American Experience"

Postby Bethers » Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:17 pm

It certainly sounds fascinating. I'm planning to remember this for if and when I have a good enough wifi connection to stream it.
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