I must be the clumsiest person on earth ... yesterday morning after I let the pups out, I was backing up the stairs coming back into the rig (being the alpha b****h again!) and I fell. Don't know quite what happened, but I had my left leg folded up under me, my ankle twisted and I was lunging OUT THE DOOR. I caught myself, but really ultra-rotated an already bad knee. I got myself unfolded and my knee hurt SO bad. I hit myself with 800 mg of ibuprophen, got an ice bag and elevated the leg. I KNEW I wouldn't be able to go to work today. I hobbled & mostly kept off it for half the day, then all seemed to go back to normal. Go figure. But I was really scared that I had finally done that knee in.
Anyway ladies ... it's time to shower and go mo-pedin'!
But today my knee