Snowball, you should not need a driver for Remicade infusions. My hubby had them for a year or two, and drove himself. They usually combine Remicade with a steroid drug, often Decadron, to reduce reactions. If you have blood sugar issues, you need to know all steroids injected or pill can cause a rise in blood sugar, usually just for a few days after infusion. It was a serious problem for my hubby because he is both type one diabetic and very sensitive to Decadron. They cut it in half and insisted he take that with the Remicade and his blood sugar shot up to over 400. As I said he is unusual to have it go that high and on half Decadron, but it's something to be aware of. Other than that he did ok on it but really did not like the drug and refused Decadron after first dose so taking Remicade with no steroid I am sure led to him not liking how he felt but he continued infusions for a year or 18 mo. He did end up with a cancer tumor in his sinus and the various Biologics he took over about 6 years may have caused the tumor but no real way to prove it other than ALL Biologics have in labeling "May cause lymphoma or other Cancers". It's a risk vs benefit you have to understand and take into consideration. He no longer can take any Biologics and his psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are back pretty bad. We work daily on diet and balancing that with his diabetes. I hope you can get relief you need to allow enjoyment of travel. Please know I'm not trying to scare you as these drugs have been a miracle for many people, but it is good to go in with eyes wide open.