Wow, Bluepinecones, I am impressed with your route planning talents. How was filling up with gas?
Similar to Wendy, I visualize myself getting into a tight place and having a crowd of people collect to have to help out this old lady get out of it without bending anything or knocking over any light poles!
Also, good idea, Colleen about not involving grown children so they won't worry. Problem is if I buy this in Ohio, I don't have any good friends down there. I think my son is OK with it, though. Mostly they are worried about my personal safety in campgrounds, which is the one thing I don't worry about. They are excited about my idea of buying this motorhome because they want to go camping with me!!
I already have one brave friend lined up who will join me in Grand Canyon and Lake Powell in late August and early September. Since she is from NY and cannot drive, she will not be a critical passenger, I hope.