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Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:05 pm
by VickieP
(AMMO BOX ALERT! AMMO BOX ALERT!) :lol: Sorry Janice, I couldn't resist! :lol:
I grew up around guns all my life so I am comfortable handling them and using them, no not to point it at somebody to scare them away, but to do everything possible to try to save my life, you bet. I think that men traveling alone would carry some type of weapon they are comfortable with and women should do the same, whatever it is they are comfortable with.

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:53 pm
by AlmostThere
Guns: I typed out a huge paragraph and then decided to just say this. As each of us are different, so will be our opinions on guns and our comfort levels in carrying and using one. We all have to figure out for yourselves what it takes for us to feel safe.

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:35 pm
by Redetotry
To quote Getupngo "Modern media builds rating points by frightening us and airing stories about all the "dangers" out there. We are told in a thousand little ways how unsafe we are in order to keep us in our "place."

I think modern media tries and pretty much has succeeded in scaring people men and women about many things, do you ever see kids playing outside anymore? So I'm puzzled as to how you narrowed it down to the media scare stories translates into 'keeping women in their place ?!

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:42 pm
by BirdbyBird
We could be in danger if we just stay home or drive to our library or drive to the home town Walmart or the park to hike with the dogs......I will be careful but as long as I'm going out anyway, I plan to have fun and go a little farther from home.

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:39 pm
by OutandAbout
Awhile ago I started keeping cans of wasp and hornet spray handy. It shoots 20 ft, so you don't have to get as close as you would with pepper spray. I also use hair spray in the spray, not pump. I'll get flamed for this, but I keep a lighter with the hair spray can so I can turn the can into a flame thrower if absolutely needed. I have used the hair spray,(without the lighter) and it works like a charm.

Bottom line is to be aware of your surroundings and leave it not comfortable.


Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:58 pm
by mitch5252
OutandAbout wrote: I'll get flamed for this, but I keep a lighter with the hair spray can so I can turn the can into a flame thrower if absolutely needed.


HAHAHA - flamed! YOU won't get flamed, the bad guy will!!! LOL.

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:06 pm
by Getupngo

Now Vickie, THAT was funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Redetotry wrote: To Getup'ngo ... "I'm puzzled as to how you narrowed it down to the media scare stories translates into 'keeping women in their place ?!'"

For one reason -- It perhaps the most powerful force in our culture, alongside religion (which you have to admit over time has put great pressure on women to be "just so.").

As you watch the news -- especially the national news & morning shows -- pay attention to the teasers that warn you of how to avoid this danger or that. The sole aim of those teasers is to keep all of us frightened and tuned in to watch. In addition, women are most often in danger -- or victims -- on TV and especially in the movies. We need big strong men to rescue us. And so we buy into it, if only (?) subconsciously.

BUT, if you look at the vast majority of murders, rapes or other assaults of women, we are most at danger in our own homes, or among people we know. The chance of being raped, kidnapped and/or murdered by a stranger is absolutely miniscule. But that's not the media message.

Have you ever received those urban legend emails that warn women of this or that outrageous scenario in which women are brutally targeted? If you google the first 10 words of that email plus the word "hoax," ALL of them (in my experience) come back as just that. But when I urge women not to forward it, many often respond that they will, because "you can never be too careful."

If you have any question about how powerful this conditioning is, ask yourself how many times have we solo travelers on THIS forum been asked by women and men, "Aren't you scared about (fill in the blank)?" Yes, there are bad people out there. I'm careful. But I don't believe in 99.5 percent of the cases it's about gender. It's about opportunity. THAT'S where I am careful and watchful. As a man should be.

This may sound a bit over-the-top -- and I don't (necessarily!) equate this with our culture -- but the first task of repressive religions & cultures is to curtail the freedoms and choices of women, physically and financially. At Brigham Young University a few years ago, several women were raped. The school restricted women to their dorms, or to traveling in groups at night. If the point was to protect women, why were not the MEN also restricted to dorms or to groups? Because we NEVER restrict the movements of men. It would be SO unfair.

I am not anti-man (love 'em, actually). I am pro-women. I am for overcoming irrational fear. You and I in this forum are, by nature, brave, glorious, adventurous, open and curious women. We drive big rigs. We tow trailers & 5'ers. We explore this and other countries, alone or with friends. But most women do not give themselves permission to be adventurous because of conditioning -- conditioning that we are less than, not (fill in the blank) enough, and forever unsafe unless under the protection of a man.

Whew!!! That's enough. Until one of you prods me with a stick again. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:27 am
by sharon
Well, we don't have any clapping hands in our smilies list, so this is me standing up, with both arms in the air pumping and yelling " HERE HERE"! Janice!! You are so very right and couldn't have put it better myself. Me thinks we need to poke you more often! :lol:

It pretty much boils down to be responsible for your own safety whether you're in a parking lot in your car in your own neighborhood or in your rv on the road. Don't be paranoid about it, but be aware.

And to answer Barbara's question, I feel just as safe in my rv as I do in my home....maybe safer, it would be harder for a bad guy to get in my rv than in my stick house. And yes, sometimes I get lonely, but I get lonely at home, too, so I might as well be out having fun and alone as at home alone. Actually, I'm starting after 5 years to kind of getting used to it.

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:07 am
by mitch5252
sharon wrote:Well, we don't have any clapping hands in our smilies list,

Here's one for future use... :D


Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:35 pm
by mtngal
Don't know how I missed this thread, but glad I am caught up now. I agree with Sharon, well said Janice!

Here's my story.....I worked for almost 30 years in the mountains. A big portion of that time was alone. I had my truck,
my two way radio, and a safety net of a dispatch center that I checked in and out with periodically. Absolutely no weapons. For emergencies and special projects I was often out all night. In trying to remember specific situations, I just can't come up with one time that I was ever afraid from being alone. Was I ever cautious? You bet! My daughter is street smart about the city, I was "woods" smart. When I started traveling it seemed like the same principles applied no matter where I am, in the city or in the mountains.

One time camping in the backcountry I was afraid. We were two women, two daughters and a partially disabled older man,
a good 30 miles from the trail head. A backpacker stopped by our camp, and stayed way too long, and was way too interested in the girls. He finally went on his way after dark and I slept with a piece of fire wood in my hand! We never saw him again, but I was sure wishing that night that I had a gun along. (and no offense meant to backpackers, I always welcomed them into my camp).

My decision is still out on whether I will carry a gun in my camper. I do think the wasp spray idea is brilliant and have a can by my bed at home, can't recommend the lighter though!

Thanks for starting this thought provoking thread Barbie, and for everybody who posted!

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:53 pm
by JanetA
Don't know about you, Barbie,, but I didn't quite see an answer to your question about whether these gals do activities alone or w/ others. I would venture to ask the question again.


FIrst off, I know you gals meet from time to time at your "gatherings", and sometimes even have a companion with ya when you travel in your rv. BUT

the big question that I have and perhaps others might have as well is:

Do you ever caravan? I might have asked this on another topic ,, i don't remember,, i've slept since.. but /so

please forgive me if i'm repeating myself... but i'd love to hear it again,, ok?

love ya'll!


Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:45 pm
by Getupngo
A few months ago, I posted a question about caravaning, and got mixed opinions (as we always do here!). I'm actually one who doesn't like to do fun by committee, and traveling with groups often gets my panties in a twist. :o Reminds me of a flock of birds on a wire. One will lift off, flutter around and come back, then several more will fly out and back. That goes on for a while, until, eventually, they all start to flap their wings and lift off as a group.

I much prefer being in the cast of a stage musical. When that orchestra starts, EVERYONE had better be ready to go! :lol: :lol:

The only time I like traveling with a group is when I'm on a river trip. We strategize rapids together, lead/follow, watch out for/rescue one another and celebrate our successes with great gusto. In camp, a good group unloads boats, sets up, cooks (YAAAAY!), cleans up, takes down, and loads boats like a well-oiled machine. If you are unsafe or not a team player on or off the river, if you knock the group off schedule or are a lousy cook (!!!) you're not invited back.

Just my $.02

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:33 pm
by AlmostThere
I think caravanning would be fine, but you'd have to have an experienced leader for sure, and a likeminded-group-agreed-upon travel plan beforehand. Also be able to be very flexible in case those plans change for some unseen reason. Go with the flow attitude, I guess I'm saying. I doubt this mode of travel is for the seasoned or more adventurous traveler. i.e. Janice and Diana's input.

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:13 pm
by mtngal
oh! I guess I got off on a tangent, but I do like to caravan! Haven't done it much. Last summer, my sister, her two grandsons and I did a roadtrip to Oregon and had a blast communicating via the 'walkies'. Also, it was a bonus to be able to separate the boys for awhile.

RE: activities, I do most anything on my own, but also love company. As far as hiking in areas I don't know, I tend to not do hikes as long as I do in areas that I know. Kind of a chicken that way I guess. I do lots of sightseeing, exploring small towns, museums, etc on my own.

Finally, I often travel with friends for parts of my trips. For instance, a friend might ride out to Texas with me, then fly home. A couple times I convoyed with friends to half way points, then they headed back home to CA and I continued on to TX. On the other hand, I have done several cross country trips alone the whole way. I love audio books!

Hope that helps Barbie, have fun planning your trips, and looking forward to gtgs!

Re: Traveling alone...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:12 pm
by JanetA
I ID w/ the solitude thing,, as I treasure mine. However.. it would be nice to share some of the things we encounter on the road,, the really big adventure/sight/boatride, etc.. of the trip. I agree that the group NEED be of like minds,, in that there must be no "needies" in the bunch that absolutely HAS to have "company" up their butt in order to travel. I think what i'm trying to say is that it's about freedom of choice as well as camaraderie. NO?

I would NEVER and I say that in capitals,, hike alone! Talk about ASKING for trouble! ! ! I lived in colorado and montana and have experienced and love hiking but only a total idiot would hike alone in a public place,, ie, National forest or park. I'm not a scaredy cat but I know there are weirdos out there that prey upon the innocent (hey!)* even in God's pristeen places... so saying that..

Meeting for gatherings is fun,, and i'm betting that ya'll have gotten your heads together and decided to go check out a particular site of interest together, as a group. I say shoot from the hip and be spontaneous.

what say you all?

*(hey) i KNOW you are thinking I am Definitely NOT innocent! ;)