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intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:50 am
by rriverstone

I just bought a 20+ foot travel trailer for $2,500. It was lived in for 2 years by a man who seems to have cared for it well.

I have removed a great deal of the cabinetry and will be moving in my own filing cabinets, shelving and a small freezer.

I know the following items work with AC on propane bottles full: fridge (on AC; propane untested), furnace +thermostat (electric start), sinks & shower with garden hose.

I'm working on lighting water heater. I think I should check the corrosion bar, if I can get it out.

It has a "brain," but I'm unsure how to read it for black, grey, fresh water, battery, etc. I'll play with it more today.

The toilet water line has been disconnected and capped. I don't think it will take much to reconnect it. I suspect a leak from poor sealing gasket or flush blade. I'll check on those.

I know to flush black tank first, followed by gray to flush out. I know to adjust air intake on water heater at high elevations.

I'll be moving to the Navajo Nation, 15 miles out of Gallup. I'll have access to 110 AC and water. I'm unclear about toilet. The family has a hogan they've offered for me to live in. I suspect there's an old-fashioned outhouse, which is fine with me.

Right now, I'm limited to a budget of $700/month disability insurance as total income. I must be very careful.

I'm planning to buy a CO2 monitor and one of those long, butane fireplace lighters (for oven & water heater pilots.

I have one, weird problem: the freezer compartment door doesn't shut tight, but springs back slightly, leaving about a 1/4 inch gap around gasket. Would appreciate ideas. I think someone leaned on it and pulled it out of true.

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:09 am
by avalen

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:50 am
by Liz
Welcome to the forum, rriverstone. You live in a beautiful area...I love New Mexico. It sounds like you already know a lot about your TT. In fact you know more than I do....I never heard of adjusting the air intake of the hot water heater at high elevations.

I'm sure others here will chime in to help you with your questions. In my last RV the refrigerator door wouldn't stay closed....I had to bungee it to keep it from flying open when traveling.

I'm looking forward to hearing about life at the Navajo Nation. Once you've got the hang of it....we love pictures.

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:27 am
by Travelinana
rriverstone, I wish I could offer more than a welcome..I'm still considered new to the forum I guess but after keeping up with these gals I'm sure there will be help for you on almost every subject. You have already done something I'm impressed about..tearing out cabinets, leaves no doubt you will have it just the way you want it soon. Blessings to you in your life :)

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:07 am
by mtngal
Hi riverstone, welcome to the forum! I like your login name. Have fun learning about your new rig!

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:14 am
by Forestgal
Greetings Riverstone!

Wow ... you've got an ambitious list going. But it sounds like you've done your homework and know what to tackle.

I can only offer you a suggestion about the hot water tank's corrosion bar. If you're able, pick yourself up a "breaker bar" from Home Depot or the like. It'll give you the leverage you need to loosen it. Are you sure the hot water tank has a corrosion bar? There are some tanks that don't, but I can't tell you which kind they are.

Regarding the toilet ... sometimes the water line going into the toilet wiggles loose and that's where the leak is. Happened to me, and it was a very simple fix.

If the trailer's been sitting for a long time you also might want to check the tires and wheel bearings. Bearings ought to be greased regularly (some people say every year) to prevent them from locking up. And in your weather you might need to be concerned about your tires rotting.

Thanks for joining us! We'll look forward to hearing more about your adventures and hopefully "visiting" with you via pictures (we're big on those here, if you haven't noticed yet).

Laura -- and Jed

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:59 am
by retiredhappy
Hi Riverstone. I, too, love New Mexico and the Gallup area. Are you Native American? If not, you're pretty lucky to be able to live on the reservation. Is your trailer set up for 110 electric or 30 amp? Please check the tires - they fail fast from drying out and the sidewalls cracking even tho you still have plenty of tread. Look forward to hearing more of your adventures.

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:23 pm
by WickedLady
Welcome to the forum. I can't help with the freezer door but do know that it is the Suburban water heaters that have the bar. It can be a chore to get the nut loose; takes a long socket and a good ratchet wrench. Once you get it off be sure to wrap some plumbers tape around the threads of the nut to make it easier to get out next time.
Again, welcome.

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:31 pm
by flick4411
Wow are quite the handy woman! I can see many of us calling on you for advice in the future! Welcome to the best forum on the internet. Hope you will keep us up to date on what it's like living on a resevation. And we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pictures so please upload as you travel through this adventure (both the rehab of the trailer and the stay on the Navaho lands). Wish I could help with the freezer, but I'm just getting into learning about my RV. But I'm guessing someone on here will be able to help! Welcome again!

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:37 pm
by Bethers
Welcome Riverstone. I love your name, your attitude and your resilience and ability to do so much yourself. Your budget is tight, but in my frugal world, especially if the location is not a monthly expense, doable. Hope to hear much more about your new home and your plans.

Can't help with the freezer except to say see if you can bend it back? And to be very careful that it isn't too heavy for the tt floor! Would hate to hear it went through on you.

Sounds like you have a plan and are far on the way with it. And I, too, love NM and the area you'll be in.

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:39 pm
by BirdbyBird
Welcome aboard....will you be traveling some as gas cost allow or pretty much parked for awhile near the Hogan? Either way whether out and about around a real campfire or just here around our imaginary one...I look forward to meeting you and sharing stories, quests and dreams..... Well and pictures are always welcome....but I think you got that message already :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:09 am
by rriverstone
Okay, gals, I thought I'd get email notifications when y'all replied, and wondered why I haven't heard from any of you. I figured it's just cuz it's xmas time & folks r busy. So, I see TEN replies and will try to answer all. I'll post elsewhere on my projects for refurbishing TT to live in, OK? Thanks all for warm welcome!

Found out about adjusting propane/air to h2o heater accidentally, while looking at YouTubes & emailing friend who lived in a HORSE trailer for several years; she had to adjust hers when she moved to Albq. from Kansas.

Cabinet removal is EASY, once I bought a set of SQUARE screw bits! They're designed to be installed fast and remove faster, once you get them to tell you how they're installed.

re: Toilet: not using it right now; may not have to where I'm moving. BUT: I could just save shower h2o by plugging tub & bale with that, for now.

Trailer was parked with covers on all tires. Checked them; they are fine & hold pressure. He only lived in it just over a year b4 he died; daughter moved for storage 6 months ago, so it has been driven at least 3 times in 2 years. It has jacks, levelers, etc. I plan to really jack her up, block her and take weight off tires when I get there.

I'm Heinz 57: African American, Cherokee and several kinds of white folks; my people are Appalachian hill folk. I don't claim to be Native & have no tribal registry, as Grandma (1/2 quantuum) was illiterate.

i started "friending" folks around Gallup as soon as I knew I would move to the area. Gallup Pride is run by a Navajo fellow named Renaldo. We've become good Facebook buddies since then. I'll be moving to his grandmother's place. She has a hogan with electricity & water.

I'm on 110. I had to put an adapter thing on the end of the electric hook up to an extension cord. Just have to be very careful with usage. Just bought a 50w solar panel and voltage converter. With it, I can power entire trailer, except furnace & a/c on solar power through battery. I don't want to buy electricity & don't want to impose large bills on my hosts.

For the anode, I have a ratchet set and a heavy pipe to extend the handle for more torque. I oiled the threads last night. yeah, I THINK it's a Suburban h2o heater; any labels gone.

For freezer door, I just bought one of those spring-locking hooks with eye. Screw it. As long as it's closed tight, I'm good.

Freezer's less weight than the cabinets i tore out to make space for it, empty. A human or 2, sitting in that breakfast nook/bed I removed, would weigh more than the food in the freezer. But that's good thinking, about the floor. Thanks!

I don't own a towing vehicle! I don't even own a car! Been out here, rural, 7 miles from nearest grocer, for over a year. I hitch hike to train to Albuquerque with a baby stroller I modified with an ice chest and rubbermaid storage tubs, get on the bus, buy groceries and push a hundred pounds back home once a month. Costs $2, round trip, as buses are free with train ticket. It's eighty miles, round trip. So, the guy who towed it down here says he'll tow it for gas $ for me. Or, failing that, I have a driver's license and planned to rent a u-haul for my goats, cats, dogs, gardening stuff, animal stuff, etc, anyway. I'll just get one strong enough to tow trailer out there.

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:19 pm
by cpatinjones
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:45 am
by AlmostThere
I'm enjoying getting to know you and your interesting lifestyle you're adapting to. You are very innovative. Good for you!

Re: intro from New Mexico

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:12 am
by dayspring39
Welcome to this lively bunch of ladies... sorry I did not post earlier... glad you found us!!