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Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:40 am
by Sheila
Hi Everyone,
I've been reading your posts for a while now, and I feel I already know you. Of course I know Belle too, who could miss her?
She rides on hats so well! :lol:

My name is Sheila, I live in Southern Maryland, and NO, I don't have an RV (right now) however I hope to have one by this summer. I do have experience with RVing, but most of mine is with an RV sitting in one place. Kinda sad when I see how much you guys travel, but I thought that I could really enjoy a group like the one here. You guys are a scream.

Right now my big (kinda camping) experiences are from my Garage, yep you read that right, MY GARAGE!

You see, I have to fix up my garage, so that we can use it as a sleeping place, while we build our retirement home.

I have to use a lot of materials, that I remember we used in our camper, just so everything would fit, and that is what got me to this forum. I needed a refresher.

I know this all sounds weird, but I knew that I would need the laughs that are always needed, when we have to find a way to put a 2200 sq ft home into a 12 X 32 Garage. If anyone can do that, it's an RVer! :mrgreen:

I will post a photo of my garage, without wheels :oops: of course, as soon as I learn how to do it.

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:49 am
by Cedar518
Welcome Sheila!

We'll be here cheering you on as you organize your garage,.... and as you shop for your camper this summer. Several women here are in the shopping process. You are not alone. We are full timers, and seasonal snowbirds, and summer campers and those still shopping. No matter what we all join around the computer campfire and enjoy our friendships. Glad you are with us!

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:26 am
by AlmostThere
Hi, sheila!
Welcome! I guess you know us so now we get to know all about you. Well, you've been visiting us long enough that you know the routine! :lol:

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:34 am
by BirdbyBird
Welcome to the "posting" part of the program :lol: Since you have already been reading there is nothing we can warn you about or pretend we didn't/don't do or say :roll: Looking forward to your creative garage decorating! I keep reminding people that spaces like that are more than you used to be able to afford in places like NYC or SF :lol:

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:47 am
by Nasoosie
WELCOME, Sheila!

I will be watching with great interest as you fix your garage and outfit it! I drastically need to organize/downsize/prepare this house so I can get free if/when I retire! I hope you learn to post pictures (see techy room posts in here to learn how to do it) soon so I can see the work in progress!

Happy to have you aboard!

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:12 am
by retiredhappy
Glad you decided to jump on in. I've always said RVing is a state of mind. Feel free to ask anything and keep us up on your rig hunting.

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:07 am
by Sheila
Thank you Everyone for your warm welcome.

I may have been reading alot, however I still look forward to getting to know all of you. It's so nice to be able to talk to a woman for a change. I'm in a small apartmant right now, with my husband and son, and they are making me crazy!

Sometimes it just takes a woman to really "Hear You" know what I mean?

With Men, it's in one ear, out the other!! eerrrr (you know, like, "You talkin to me?)

I have so much to do, that I wanted to share with WOMEN all about nooks and cranny's, and most MEN know nothing about Nooks and Cranny's! I do believe that they are strictly a woman's specialty.

I'm going to post a new topic all about the space I'm trying to create, and I hope and pray all will join me in getting it as tight as humanly possible. I have a lot of "stuff" to get into a small space.

Will have to get living space for 3 people, INSIDE for at least a year.

As far as the RV's goes, that is for ME, just me, and although I have looked at a few, I'm finding it hard to get over the floorplan I had before. The kitchen was in the front, where the trailer hitch was, and I loved it, but since it was first purchased by my friend, before me, about a million years ago, I may have to reconsider a lot of things that are new to RVing today. I know only one thing for sure, I want one that I can hitch up, not drive. My son is giving me his old truck, and it can haul anything. It's in great shape, and I will need the truck for the property too.

So, that's about it. Your thoughts?

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:30 pm
by carold
OMG Sheila, you want us to THINK too :shock: I'm assuming you are planning to divide that space up into areas-especially ones for sleeping or are you using couches that open up or futons??????? What about a kitchen area-putting in a refrigerator, stove???? How old is your son? Most garages are larger than any rv/trailer so you will have plenty of room. Are you putting most of your stuff in storage or is the garage for that also? You are moving into a garage, right :? I need to wait until I put away the wine :lol: or I can't be held responsible for anything I say. carold

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:27 pm
by Liz
Welcome Sheila,

I'm glad you have enjoyed reading our forum, and especially glad you decided to join in the conversations. You have a challenge ahead, but many here will be happy to advise, laugh, and cry right along with you as you take it on!

We'll be looking forward too, to shopping for your own TT, and meeting you at some future GTG.

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:31 pm
by Getupngo
Welcome, Sheila. I don't know if you have all your kitchen stuff packed. If so, I have
two words for you: Wal Mart. I was able to set up the kitchen in my RV for very little
money by shopping there. THEN, once you unpack your boxes and move into your
retirement home, you can transfer all of those items to your RV.

Gosh, I'm smart. :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

Welcome, and learn to post pictures so we can "camp" right along with you.

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:50 pm
by VickieP
Hi Sheila, welcome to our group! I was just wondering what you're gonna use to haul that garage around! :lol: Like some others said, I'm thinking that some of your furniture and things will be in storage, at least I hope it's not gonna be all stacked up with your mattress on top, would be kinda like the story The Princess and the Pea! I look forward to hearing about some of your adventures. Join right in with the rest of us on our posts and don't be shy about starting your own so we can get to know you better.

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:13 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Welcome, Sheila.....will read with interest on your adventure of down-sizing....what a hill to climb for you... :shock:
If you need a break from the "closeness", keep in mind that sometime this coming spring or summer we plan to have another PA GTG....will keep you posted and hopefully you can get away to join in the fun..... ;) You can bring a tent, if you don't have a RV by then.... ;)

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:44 am
by AlmostThere
When I lived in Alaska our neighbors built their garage first and lived in it for 2 yrs before getting the rest of their home built around it. They actually used the area (loft) above the garage for their bedroom/storage area and built steps (albeit steep steps) up to it. The wall where the garage doors eventually went were walled over until needed. They put in a toilet/sink and shower in the one corner under the stairs. They had their kitchen counter/appliances in an L shape in another corner. The rest of the area was taken up with a kitchen table, sectional sofa, coffee table and TV/stand. Yep, it was a bit on the crowded side, but they survived. Mostly I think because they kept their eye on why they were sacrficing their comforts. In the end they were rewarded with a gorgeous home!

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:53 am
by avalen
yep, we're all here to help you put your temporary living quarters together. Is any of
it going into storage or all in the garage? The rafters can hold lots of boxes by putting
sheets of plywood up there. This is gonna be fun, so lets get crackin! :lol:

Re: Imitation RVer Here

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:34 am
by snowball
from one Sheila to another Sheila
it will be fun having you on the forum