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PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:36 pm
by Rufflesgurl
Hi. My name is Linda (67) and I have been RVing for just about 3 years. Until about 5 years ago I didn't even know what
a motorhome was. I am a walker and used to walk thru some of the local RV parks. Three years ago I purchased a new 2007 Holiday Rambler Neptune XL, 34' class A diesel and began to travel with my dear friend, Bill. He is now recovering from spinal surgery (3 weeks ago) and is not sure when or even if he will be able to travel again in the motorhome.

Anyway, I love traveling this way and seeing our very great country. We have been to the western states seeing lots of beautiful places!! I have NOT been on a RV trip by myself because I do have a little fear. Bill always did the outside stuff and most of the driving while I took pictures. LOL I do know how to do the outside stuff but it has been so nice to have someone do that. AND, I'm not confident backing up the coach. I know I can do it - it's just DOINGl it!!

Interesting to read all your stories and how much you love traveling this way. Hope to do the same myself. One of the reasons I wanted to travel this way is because I have 2 doggies (a Shih Tzu (7) and a Lhasa Apso (11) and they come along with us. Way better than putting them in a kennel. One is a very good traveler and the other wants to go but is a little anxious.

How do I post pictures to the forum??


Re: Hello

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:54 pm
by BirdbyBird
Welcome aboard. Come share your stories, your questions, your pictures, your laughter and your tears. Many of us travel with our four footed friends...well because they are such good friends :) Sometimes the best way to get better at something is to just go practice ...guess you will have to travel somemore... :) We drive all different sizes and types of vehicles..... Hope to see you down the road.....

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:59 pm
by Cedar518
Welcome Linda!

I'm so glad that you found us and have jumped right in with an introduction! Sorry to hear about Bill's surgery and that he might not be able to travel. If you decide to try it, you CAN do it. You can drive it, you can back it. I personally haven't driven a Class A,... I tow a trailer,... but there are a lot of gals here that do drive their own. Maybe if you can do the outside work Bill can go along and take it easier for a while. Sure hope everything works out for you.

Re: posting pictures,.... go to the Maintenance and Tech page and the first thing is a post series on posting pictures. I use Photobucket.

So again,..... WELCOME!

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:14 pm
by WickedLady
Welcome, Linda. I don't have a motorhome but have driven school buses and city transit buses. The trick to backing up is to have the driveway, rv site or whatever on your left so you have the mirrors to use. If you try to back on the right you will be more or less doing it blind. They back up just like a car...just longer.
Hope to see ya on the road someday.

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:16 pm
by VickieP
Welcome Linda, so glad you joined us. Go ahead and jump right in and post to some of the other threads on here and get to know us better. I think you will enjoy learning with us, sharing with us and most importantly laughing with us!

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:44 pm
by avalen
Welcome, you've come to the right place for all kinds of encouragement. Like Wickedlady said, use the left mirror to line up for your park sight, although of
course you want to check both mirrors, but only use one for the "line up" other
wise you'll be crooked. I don't drive a motor home either :lol: just a big ole
schoolbus and from time to time a big prevost casino bus. Been a bus driver
for 20 years and someday I'll have a little motor home to drive around in and
see the country, right now I'm full timing it in my fifth wheel with no truck.
I'm looking forward to stories and pictures, when ya get the hang of the pictures
that is. Stop by for morning coffee and we have an eternal campfire going as well.
You can chat about anything and everything, we're a pretty nosey bunch :lol:
Hope Bill's healing from the surgery goes well and he can travel with you soon.

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:49 am
by retiredhappy
Welcome Linda. Sorry Bill is down for a while. You CAN DO anything you set your mind to. Just keep reading here for all the encouragement you need. I drive a 30' Class C and I don't like to back up either but I can, if I have to. Looking forward to seeing pictures of you and your furkids.

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:58 am
by carold
Hi Linda, welcome to the group. I'm guessing you perused around the forum as a guest and then decided-What a bunch of crazy women-just my speed :roll: :lol: :lol: Sorry about your traveling partner, but glad to see you are more than willing to go solo. These gals will certainly give you encouragement and possibly a lot of poking :twisted: Will be looking forward to posts and pics when you've mastered that. carold

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:26 am
by Getupngo
Linda, welcome to our forum. You'll find lots of good support and advice here.

I have to say, when you jumped into buying an RV you did a good job (I also have a Holiday Rambler). Best rig on the road, IMHO. I'm sorry Bill can't go with you right now. I DO I travel alone (with my dogs) in my 35-foot rig (it's a bit more elderly than yours) and I'll tell you, I LOVE LOVE LOVE driving a Class A. I'm all of five-foot-three and I enjoy being BIG on the road (heh! heh!). I feel VERY safe in at rest stops, because I don't have to get out if I don't want to (except when the doggies are crossing their legs!). If I tire on a long trip, I can simply pull over and nap.

I agree that backing up seems the hardest and requires some practice. But I've become a quite good backer-upper and have to clear a narrow fence opening as I back into my driveway to my RV spot (which has garage overhangs and a tree I need to avoid). However, on the road, I rarely have to back up ... I always ask for pull-throughs at campgrounds. And if they haven't any, I ask the camp host to direct me in.

When I'm driving, there are just a few things I have to remember. As you know, because of the chassis length, I need to swing the front end out wide when turning right so the rear wheels can clear the curb. With very little practice, I got a feel of where I need to be in the lane. I have a rear-view camera and my side mirrors provide a good view of whether someone is right next to me on the highway when changing lanes. I maintain a VERY healthy following distance so panic stops are rarely necessary. I was fearful for a few hundred miles, then I settled in and found great enjoyment in the driving.

I always try to keep in mind that because my MH's rear end extends 10 feet or so beyond the rear wheels, it swings far wider when I turn the front wheels. In tight areas (like gas stations) I pull forward and watch my mirrors (and rear-view monitor) to make sure the back end has cleared the pumps before I turn hard. To avoid potential problems, I look for gas stations where the pumps are PARALLEL to the C-store (not so many these days). And I don't pull in anywhere if I can't see the exit route.

Linda, I hope you get over the jitters and have a blast piloting your rig solo. See you on the road!

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:10 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Welcome,'ve come to the right place for support, info, laughs, and fun.....yes, we all travel in different rigs and some with and some without someone along to help with the driving, set-up, etc.....i.e....Ernie does the driving, but I can do it, if pushed....I know how to do the "outside" stuff...and he knows how to do the "inside" stuff...and we help each other with our duties.... ;) :lol: so it works... :lol:

Jump in and join in the with us...we are "sisters" ya' know.....

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:02 pm
by Rufflesgurl
Thanks girls for ALL your support. I think I've got the driving of my coach down pretty good. Whenever we start out on a trip, I drive the first leg. I'm thinking of taking the coach to a local parking lot Sunday morning and maybe practice backing up BUT, my choice would be to have drive thru camp sites. LOL

Thanks again. I thought I sent this message out this AM but did not see it on the thread.

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:25 am
by Nasoosie

It seems that all have given you some great encouragement already! Those who drive the big class As and school buses sure do know their business!

Sorry to hear about Bill's back surgery, but who knows may happen later on....perhaps he will heal better than new, and can be back with you on the move.

You will love this group of unique women who never fail to keep me laughing and on my toes!!

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:07 am
by AlmostThere
Hi, Linda! sorry I'm late in welcoming you, but WELCOME! :D
Will keep Bill in my prayers for a quick healing.

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:47 pm
by OutandAbout
Welcome Linda from another Linda. Everyone has said what a wonderful group we are and they are so right. :D However no one mentioned the SPEW ALERT. It happens often and is solved by drinking your beverage before or after reading the post. This keeps the computer screen clean and clear at all times. (Altho some haven't mastered this skill yet. :o ) Welcome again Linda

Re: Hello

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:52 pm
by mitch5252

Welcome, Linda!

Sorry this is a late welcome, but I've just returned from a short, yet disasterous, camping trip to eastern Tennessee.

I hope you enjoy us - what a bunch of women we have here. I'm sorry to hear about your Bill, but hopefully, he'll be right as rain in no time and you guys can again hit the trail.

Please post whenever and wherever you feel like it. Pictures, too, please!
