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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:09 pm
by Pebbles
Hello, I'm not sure what to say here except I guess I'm just a wannabe right now. The last year has had alot of life changes for me and like my pet turtles I'm going to take my shell and go where I want to when I want to. Last August my almost thirteen year old dalmation past away. It was devastating to me. This past March I was terminated from a job I was emotionally invested in for the past four years. April of this year my younger sisters wonderful :roll: husband decided to move the entire family to Orlando, Florida (four kids ages 6, 7, 2 and 3, and his mother) for the only resoning that "everythings cheaper there" than here in Green Bay, Wisconsin. He came back after being there for 2 1/2 weeks himself a little wiser but the thought of losing those kids that far away was hard. So I decided that I'm outta here too. I'm working my butt off trying to save real quick for a rig. Since I only have four footed kids its been a bit easier to deal with these life things but now I'm looking for some company. I'm great with animal talk but lately I'm missing people talk and I'm looking for people that share my interests and can be more positive about the future (unlike a boyfriend who was born here, grew up here and wants to stay here forever :shock: ) So more about myself, lol, I have two red eared sliders (turtles) and two cats, who are all going on the road with me, boyfriend is not going. I'm looking to work-camp because I have a few bills I need to continue to pay as well as pay for gas since I'm not near retirement (29 on September 15th). My mom met a guy on eharmony so shes in Louisiana and I want to go visit her. Most of my family is in Michigan and Wisconsin. Thank you for letting me vent out and meet all of you!

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:22 pm
by BirdbyBird
So happy you found us...we are all here with different stories but some similar dreams.....Not waiting for someone else to make things happen :roll: ...would be one thing.....
You had me and most of your dog's passing..... The animals that share our lives and journeys leave holes in our hearts when they pass....but also memories that not everyone else can understand... months and years later when their memories can still bring tears to our eyes and pangs in our heart......
Keep reading here, jump in with questions and opinions and dreams...... Can't wait to read of your decisions and future adventures :)

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:40 pm
by retiredhappy
Welcome to the forum. You've found a great bunch of women you can tell anything to. We're not shy about giving an opinion or a "way to go, girl" when needed. Feel free to jump right in anywhere, anytime.

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:51 pm
by mitch5252

Welcome, Pebbles...follow your dreams - you don't want to wake up one day and say I Wish I Had (fill in the blank) after it's too late.

The women here are helpful, kind, intelligent, funny, and very sharing. You'll enjoy us! :)

So, jump right in, post anywhere you want.

Gonna be easy to travel with turtles, eh?
Ladies here with more experience than me, any Turtle Trails in campgrounds?
Be careful with 'em down South - don't want 'em turned into soup.


Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:02 pm
by Bethers
Hi Pebbles. Glad to have you with - and glad you shared so much. I took off from near Milwaukee - my, it's been over 4 years ago - going on 4 1/2 - and I dont regret a minute of it. Well, I've had a couple twinges lately that feel like regret - but that's personal - and dealing with a friend - and those happen in life. We don't just sit stagnant, even when our life does - and we definitely don't when traveling.

Have you started looking at rigs yet? Do you know what you like/dislike so you can really narrow down your choices? That took me a few months of really looking - then I had my "must-have" list, my "would like to have" list and it got easier and easier - even if I had way less choices to search for. Finally found my rig in central IL - but almost bought across country. Got the "perfect for me" rig and have been thrilled for the whole time.

Glad to have you with - and join in - and yep, vent when necessary - we all need a place to do that :)

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:31 pm
by mitch5252

Pebbles, here's a recent thread where a lot of us told the story of why we choose the rig we chose.
You might find it interesting...


Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:33 pm
by carold
Welcome Pebbles. You've found a great bunch of women to hang out with, as well as learning and laughing your way thru the day and night. All questions will be answered, but with this group of gals, can't be responsible for the answers :twisted: :roll: My oldest grandson was born on 9/15 and we will be in NC to celebrate along with 2 gd's birthdays on the 14th and 18th and TGM (formerly DH) on the 20th. Sounds like you've got hitch itch real bad :lol: and this is the place to explore. Looking forward to hearing from you. carold

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:48 pm
by cat
Welcome Pebbles,
I join with all the other ladies on this forum wishing you well and to follow your dream. Don't end up years from now with "shoulda/woulda/coulda". There is a lot of good information on this forum.


Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:59 pm
by WickedLady
We were all Wannabes to begin with. Follow your dream.

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:15 pm
by VickieP
Pebbles, you're not "just a wanna be" you have great potential of becoming a full fledged RVer! :lol: I almost said "certified" RVer, but with all us crazy gals, that might mean something else! We welcome you as you are, jump in and post everywhere you can and that's the best way to learn and have us learn from you. Enjoy!

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:50 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Welcome, Pebbles.... :D Yep, you've come to right place....lots of info, advice (whether you need it or not... :lol: ), support, and sharing....jump in anywhere...anytime...

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:17 am
by Cedar518
Welcome Pebbles!

I'm so glad you found us.... sounds like you are a smart cookie with a head on your shoulders. You know what you want. I'll just sing the chorus with the rest of the gals before me,... go DO it. You will be able to find workkamping jobs all over the country. Don't forget to let us know where you are as more than likely there will be one or more of us to GTG (get together) with !

Welcome aboard!

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:03 am
by Nasoosie

So happy to meet you! My kids have moved out, leaving me alone here in the boonies of the Adirondacks (very beautiful here in the summers, but very cold and difficult in the long, dark winters alone) with my faithful companion, Molly----a South Carolina Dingo, found wandering on the streets of Detroit.

I have a small (19 foot) trailer and a Ford truck to haul it with. I plan to retire from teaching (after 49 years of being in the education field) this coming June. So, this will be my last winter (hopefully) alone up here.

It sounds as if you really know yourself, and are taking the right road to happiness. May you find the right rig for yourself, and take to the roads when you are ready! Losing a beloved 4-footer is always a devastating trauma, no matter that we all know it is inevitable when we give our hearts to them. Many of us in this group have given our hearts to our critters, and many of us have cried with each other when losses happen. You will find a LOT of humor on here, lots of good advice, some tears now and then, but mostly, GREAT COMPANY!

Will look forward to meeting you some day down the road!

Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:33 am
by jaymesullivan
Welcome Wannabe,
I'm a little late with this because I just got back from a visit to my son, his significant other and there little daughter, 2&1/2. They live in Anchorage and I live in Juneau so I sure do know about having the family far away. I travel in a Winnabago ERA which is built on a Dodge Sprinter chasie. The Mersadies Diesal engin gives me 20 miles to the gallon so I can afford to travel. I'm only a part timer still working some.

I'm pretty new to the forum myself but have really been enjoying it. Great to have you with us!


Re: Wannabe

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:39 am
by SeeyaGal
Welcome Pebbles, Where did your Mom go in Louisiana? I have alot of family near Baton Rouge in Gonzales, St Amant, Prairieville.

Just last month we celebrated 8 yrs on the road full time. Ours started out with a dream and lots of RV shows. We just knew as campers as kids that we wanted to do this later in life. Reach for the stars you'll get there.