Hi I’m Andy. My husband and I just completed our first cross country road trip—5000+ miles, 3 weeks (now able to take the time since both of us retired a couple years ago), and visited nine national parks. Stayed in a motel every night, which got old and missed our sheltie, who was with a dog sitter. We saw a lot of campers and decided we should look into doing this since we want to do more exploring and take our dog.
Just started looking to get a motorhome. Very overwhelming since being a complete newbie, didn’t even know the difference between A, B and C. Been doing lots of googling and picking brain of friend, judyjb. She recommended I join this forum.
Thinking of starting with 24 ft C class. So looking to search on this site and get suggestions on many basic things. Examples: Thought wanted gas, but then saw nice diesel. One had “arctic package” ( didn’t even know what that was ) but highly recommended, then a different salesman at same dealership said that it is overrated. Want to drive from Mich to Fla in winter, so have no clue how to do this if need to winterize in Mich but be able to use along the way.
Look forward to learning from this group of women!