"Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

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"Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby OTW » Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:09 am

Hi- Great forum! So I'm Carol in New England. My body just turned 74 but my engine just isn't. I've been reading RV forums, many videos, looking at craigslist RVs (just to flirt, JUST to flirt) and in the back of my mind is FT RVing. Between me and doing that would be complexities of selling a house/barn full of long established "stuff" which is overwhelming. Current question is what kind of RV makes sense, or doesn't? I'm attracted to TT or 5th Wheel in order to have a vehicle on location, but how hard are either to hitch/unhitch? Any thoughts anyone would like to share with me on that? I'd need to be budget conscious also.
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby Bethers » Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:24 pm

Welcome, Carol. There are as many pros and cons for every type of rig as there are people. :) Many use small B's or C's to travel with just one vehicle. Others prefer a C or A with a toad. Others prefer a truck and trailer or fifth wheel. Like the gas or diesel question... You'll get many answers.

I prefer a C and toad... Actually if I wasn't workamping, I'd probably get rid of the toad... I travelled 5 years with just Class C ... That was my favorite mode of travel. And one day I might end up with just a small B.

Think about how much room you feel you need. That might help you decide on type, also.
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby MandysMom » Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:27 pm

Welcome Carol! Beth said it well.
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby Rufflesgurl » Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:43 pm

Carol welcome from N. Central CA. I do not full time but have had a 35' Class A DP with a tow car. Now have a 24' Class C diesel and do not tow. I loved the space inside of the Class A which handled good also, but like the handling of my Class C but still adjusting to less room inside and probably would not full time in this vehicle. So much for you to choose from!! Enjoy your search.

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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby OTW » Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:49 pm

Hi! Thanks for the welcome, and so fast! And another one while I've been writing my reply, so thanks for that too!

Since posting my intro and question, I've been pinning it down. First, by accepting that whatever I got, it might not be what I would eventually end up with if I were to go FT, but also, it might. That got me heading right to where your reply leaned--a Class C. And to start with at least, no toad.

So now I have hopefully a better question and hoping someone might be able to help since you probably know what's out there in older (hence cheaper) Class C's.

Could you guesstimate what size and type of Class C I should be looking for that would have these things?

--A slider so that when docked it feels like a room vs. an aisle. (I have a spinning wheel, she comes with me but she folds down to small, and I also have a business so I'd be spending some definite time inside of it.)
--Leveling system that ideally wouldn't require driving up on blocks (manual crank is okay but hopefully so I could do it with not the greatest shoulder/arm stress).
--Access to dump valves, etc. not requiring getting under the rig.
--Decent interior/exterior storage.

Also, what I haven't been able to tell from photos, if slider is closed (e.g., driving across country) can you squeeze through to get into bathroom, kitchen, even bed area? Or does the closed slider block everything once it's sucked in?

Last but not least, is there any brand that you'd think "look for XYZ brand(s) if possible" and likewise, any brand you'd say "Awk! Stay away from that one!"? I'd be looking for an older one -- thinking mid-late 90s--unless that's just a recipe for horrors in the world of Class C's but my impression is that an older one could be okay and might find a deal, who knows.

Thanks SO much in advance for any light can be shed on any of those things.
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:02 pm

Welcome to the forum. I encourage you to wander back through some of the older and even more recent "threads/topics" that have dealt with multiple decisions and opinions. As you will discover everyones opinion of what is "enough" storage space or interior space differ. Most of us find ways to make space for what is important to us.....spinning wheels, looms, multiple dogs/crates. Some of us like to boondock without hook ups. Others prefer resorts or campgrounds that can provide them full hook ups and pull through sites. What one person considers too much for their "body" and physical stamina to deal with others deal with. Age is not an issue but the condition of individual's health and body is the real issue.

I do think you are wise to start out with a used Class C. Traveling part time, long time or full-time can change your outlook about what storage and living spaces you want long term. Visit as many RV Shows and dealer lots as you can. Walk into and around as many units as you can, even styles that you don't think you want. They will all give you ideas.

You can get negative feed back on many RV manufacturers. Overall the field is not known for quality. That said you may find good deals on many used rigs regardless of the manufacturer. It helps to know what the common trouble issues are. Good luck. If you find the older threads and topics I think you will dig up some helpful information to puzzle over.
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby Rufflesgurl » Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:40 pm

I know you want to look at older Class C's but I have a 2016 Winnebago Navion 24G diesel, 2 slides purchased new and hopefully have all the warranty issues taken care of. You can very easily go from cab to kitchen, bathroom with the slides in. One slide goes out the driver's side and has a sofa that makes into a bed, the other slide goes straight out the back which is the bedroom area, so bed can't used unless this slide is out. Storage inside and out OK. It does not have leveling jacks, valves are lower than a Class A. I am tall so this has taken adjusting. Not sure how big your your spinning wheel is but it could be stored in the cabover area? I don't use this area much but my grand kids (6 yrs. old) love it up there.

Agree with Tina. Go to as many RV shows or dealers as you can to get a feel for what is right for you. If you decide to purchase pre owned, have a RV mechanic check it out. Have fun.

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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby JudyJB » Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:07 pm

Welcome! Definitely go back to the General area and read all of the posts under "How did you choose"? This will give you some ideas to think about. This is a very personal decision and depends on how you want to live and personal preferences--there is no brand or RV that is one-size-fits-all. I think I would go a little newer than 1990s, if you can afford it. You might find a gem, but are more likely to find damage and a money pit in a really old RV.

I am very happy with my full-time for over four years choice of a 32' Class C. I also do not tow and do just fine. I mostly run errands and shop between campgrounds, but prefer to stay in one place several days. I also prefer state and federal campgrounds because there is more privacy and they are more scenic, and also because I never use the pool and am not interested in activities. My preferences. It hurts for me to kneel and I have very fragile kneecaps, so a walk around or "squeeze-around" bed was one of my requirements. I also often use a stool to sit on to hook up sewer hoses because I have vertigo often and get dizzy bending over, and I also need a wrench to tighten the water hose, so there is a solution for every physical problem!!! :lol:

A Class C is a good size for one person, at least for me. I have two big slides and have plenty of room. A motorhome is much easier to unhook and hook up, especially for things like dumping tanks if you prefer state and federal parks like I do. Being alone, I can take a shower and wash dishes each day and need to dump only once every three-five days. I just push a button to put my slides in, unhook electric and my water hose, and off I go! :D Very fast and easy. With a trailer, you either have to shower in the campground shower rooms or you have to hook up a lot and drive to the dump, unless you want to stay in commercial campgrounds with full hookups.

I also thought I had to have levelers, but never got them. For one thing, my sites are level enough about 60-70% of the time. When I do have an un-level site, I just get out some 2 x 10" boards that are 24" long and place a couple under one set of tires (usually duallies) and drive up on them. Easy and cheap.

As far as age goes, I am 73, and started at age 69. I have met several ladies on the road who are older than I am, some into their 80s and they do just fine driving even really big rigs! So, where do you live? We forum members travel all over the place and are always happy to meet with a newcomer and show you our rigs and what works and does not work about them.
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby Liz » Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:45 pm

Welcome to the forum, Carol. Good luck with your search. I agree with those to buy a good used RV, but less than 10 years old if you can afford it. You can expect some initial expense/repairs when you buy used. My 2009 24' Class C that I bought in 2012 needed new coach batteries and tires for example. But I negotiated a great deal, and the RV has served me well since with regular service and occasional repairs. Happy hunting!
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:13 pm

You have to be very careful buying an older Class C with the cab over bed. Leaking in that area is very common and expensive to fix. Some of the older Class C don't have slides either. Most campground have pretty level sites and it's not hard to level with a couple of boards. I don't think you will find automatic levels except on high end RV's.

A couple of web sites for RV's I like to look at are PPLmotorhomes.com and RVtrader.com. PPL is a consignment lot in Houston and a couple of other Texas town. RVtrader advertises RV's all over the country. Both of these sites are fast. They will kind of give you an idea of what you can get at what price.

I prefer a Class C but I have friends that drive Class A's. I guess it's what you get use to. I use to drive a truck and pull a 4 horse trailer but don't want to do that anymore. I like to be able to stop and have access to my bathroom and kitchen without having to get out.

Good luck on your search.

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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby snowball » Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:00 am

welcome to the forum
one thing you might do is when at a dealership have them pull in the slides it will show you
if you have the room you need to access the rig's needs with stopped for a short time
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby OTW » Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:48 am

Oh! I am blown away by the amount of fantastic advice and things to think about! I'm going to have to read this thread several times to absorb it all. Thanks to each and every one of you for taking the time to share your learnings.

So it sounds like I should cross leveling off my list, and actually it's not that big of a deal. As for rig/towing experience, I had a 2H trailer which I got into the tightest spaces on my way across country, currently have a big pop-up which almost doesn't count (pulled with my minivan but the weight distribution hitch was a killer - 2005 system with insanely heavy bars you have to jerk upward). And when my daughter was little, I bought a 28 ft. Class A which I took up very winding roads to Big Bear (California transplant to small town in Southern New Hampshire). But I got quite good with driving it, a few times into roads no sane person would take it. We do learn in different ways.

The travel spinning wheel is a sweetheart, built like a tank but folds down to 14"Tall, 8" wide so that's no brainer in any size rig, even my minivan which has all back seats removed and I used as a "test" for vehicle camping summer before last. Here's a photo of that (2 4-ft. utility shelves and Walmart folding tables, easily stowed under cot inside minivan). Very mickey-moused but it worked great. As for living off grid, I did that too for about 12 months while in college, in a 28-ft. trailer that had been gutted out except the sink and its cabinets. It was up in the mountains above the snow line so winter was really tough, but I Installed a very small woodburning stove in it, running water came from two trash barrels (via bucket fill and solar via black trashbag covers to keep from freezing and definitely not BPA free) and 2# coffee cans with predug bury holes for personal waste so I'm not squeamish in those ways. Not a pretty setup, but functional.

At my age now, most of that latter part would be a lot harder, but I'm in a big antique farmhouse, way too much for me and way too expensive to deal with and I have to downsize anyway which will be the stuff of nightmares after 25 years here. But IF I got disabled or dead in 5-10 years, would I regret downsizing with some adventure thrown in? No. Would I regret not? Probably. I'm a homebody by nature, but I sit for hobbies and I sit for business. Just dealing with a MH, I suspect RVing women are in way better physical wellbeing than I am based on "don't use it, you lose it."

More thinking to do, but that's coming along. I will check out those threads suggested, I did not see a "rig choice" one (probably right in front of me). Thanks again for all the great suggestions and tips! Much appreciate. ;-)
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:01 am

Looks like you can teach us some things. lol

There is a topic called "How did you choose?" in General Talk.

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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby IrishIroamed » Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:40 am

Welcome to the forum from Illinois. You have all good questions, and we have all asked them at one time or other. Heck, I still am thinking what I may want whenever I could fulltime. It's a fun, but sometimes frustrating process, but as everyone says, you'll know it when you see it.
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Re: "Older" woman thinking, thinking, thinking...

Postby OTW » Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:42 am

Thank you Martha, I will definitely study that thread. As for teaching others something, I sure hope I'll be able to contribute something to the group as time goes on. ;-)
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