... and I'm glad to be back here with my friends. Whew!
Bethers asked me to toss in a little bio ... I'm a recovering news junkie who's been outta the biz and retired since my husband passed away almost four years ago (gosh, it's been so long ... and so short, too!). He had 30+ years in with the state, so I started receiving his pension at age 53. He was a granola-crunching non-motorized kinda guy, and wasn't at all interested in getting an RV. I have longed to travel the country in a motor home, so I got a 29-foot Class C. A year later I traded up to 35-foot Class A (2 slides) that hauls me and my fur-kids Bandit (14-year-old corgie mix) and Kiwi (11-year-old Lhasa Apso rescue) down the road.
I can't afford to drive-and-stop, so I travel to one location and stay for a couple of months or more ... spent winter volunteering at the Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge, now I'm in Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, WA, working renting mopeds for the summer. It was a lovely 70 degrees here today ... it feels like spring all the time! (Yes, I'm rubbing it in!)
Thanks Bethers!