Kudos in Eugene, Oregon

Tell us who had done you right and who has done you wrong in rv repairs and service!

Kudos in Eugene, Oregon

Postby sharon » Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:16 pm

Kudos to Quality Coach Services in Eugene,Or! The 2 guys there do quality work, rates are in line with the area. About 5 miles off of the I-5, but easy to get to. They have electric H/U while they work on your rig and I was usually in the coach while they did some warranty work on her. No dump station there, but they do have a restroom and shower you can use. Internet in the office, but while I was there it was dial up. They may have up-graded since I was there. RV systems, structure and chassis repair. No engine repair.

Quality Coach Services
4150 W. 11th Ave
Eugene, Oregon
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