Kudos to Auto Zone

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Kudos to Auto Zone

Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:48 pm

I may have given them kudos before, but almost every time I visit one of their stores I'm impressed over again. Today I stopped in to purchase a light bulb for my back driver's side brake/turn signal light.. They were super busy. I had no clue what bulb I needed. The woman at the counter looked it up, went to the aisle and got it and recommended I also purchase some goop (my term) for it. Ok, total was maybe $8. I never asked for assistance (was going to though)... She took me outside and handed my purchase to a man replacing someone else's car battery, to take care of me next. He finished the battery in no time.

Now realize, my car is a 2004. I'll bet this had never been changed before. There was rust. It went pretty quickly until one screw wouldn't go back in. He had to take everything off and completely remove 3 screw assemblies and replace them from the other side so the one screw could go in all the way. No complaints. Nice the whole time. We had a great conversation. I'm guessing he changed the ladies battery in 5 minutes. My light... 1/2 an hour. No charge.

I remembered something else I wanted and had mentioned it during our conversation. I was planning to go in and find it myself. But when we walked back in the store, while I was looking at aisles, he was walking to and getting me what I needed. Another $3 sale.

Someone else rang me up and I was praising him. She said she was worried because it was taking so long. I told her, I would never have gotten it changed without either breaking something or not getting it back together. She smiled and said he was the best... Is semi-retired now and they hope he keeps liking the job for a long time to come.

I've had fantastic service at Auto Zones all across this country. They've replaced my car battery, my rv coach batteries, diagnosed my check engine light more times than I can count on my previous rv, etc etc etc. Replacing the car battery, the young man was slightly surly, but I even got him laughing. I think he was just having a bad day.

I highly recommend this company for anything they can do for you.
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