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A Fun retirement party

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:08 pm
by Gentleladybear
Nan introduced me to the group...and food was served.



I checked out the cake closely....


Then a reward was presented to Nan and I shared with her.


You know ya'll are right, this working and retiring is fun....can't wait until we get moving on the retirment trip.


Re: A Fun retirement party

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:13 pm
by Liz
It's especially fun when you only have to work a few days...then have a party and retire! Good going, Belle!

Re: A Fun retirement party

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:53 pm
by Birdie
Yes, Nan and Belle are outta there. Time to hit the road, finally.

Re: A Fun retirement party

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:03 pm
by BirdbyBird
...and if they throw you a party you know that they have bought into the idea :shock: 8-) are out of there. :D :D :D :D

Re: A Fun retirement party

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:15 pm
by VickieP
Belle, I think you have the record for shortest work career with a retirement! Remember you have Nan to thank for that so as you join her on her LONG awaited retirement travels, make sure she does extra fun stuff, she deserves it, for sure!

Re: A Fun retirement party

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:03 pm
by bluepinecones
Belle, so happy you got to go to the party! Now just don't let Nan forget to put you on board when she goes out to the RV. Traveling with her will be one long fun party no matter where you go!

Re: A Fun retirement party

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:55 am
by sunshinecruiserTN
Have lots of laughs, Belle 'cause you are with the right person. We'll keep the bail money handy, just in case. 8-)