I saw on the General thread that you were going to Aklaska Belle. I am so pleased that you are going to be able to make that trip. Be sure you have your passport with you, but then maybe you can just sit right out in the open and the border folks will never know to question you about your 'status'. So looking forward to catching up with you. I have heard that you will have your drink of choice and the food......out of this world .
Be safe in your travels, GF.
2012 Class A Winnebago 30T (is for sale) Coach House Platnium (my now rig) Chevy HHR
Oh Belle, you will be legal to cross the border.!!! You will have such fun with Mitch and she is already taking care of you. You might have to stay inside though, over some of the campfires as you are kind of young? or are you?
You are going to have a great time , we all are .
Reminded me where my passport was, when I saw yours.
My passport is already in the van - didn't want to chance forgetting it! Most everything else can be replaced! I'm surprised I haven't put Abby in the van yet!
Good to hear from you Belle! Glad you get to go to Alaska with the gals! You and Mitch will have a great time together! Don't get into too much trouble tho! Between you and Mitch, who knows what could happen! (Where's that bail money, just in case...?)
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" -Anatole France
Nan has me tucked away and I am waiting on my new ride to arrive. I am so excited my feathers are already fluffed and ready to go. Of course they may be fluffed when Nan went over that wash board road. Can Alaska handle the pink amongst all those Eagles.. I will be the light of the party!!!!