Free E-Book: Any fantasy/science fiction readers out there?

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Free E-Book: Any fantasy/science fiction readers out there?

Postby Cudedog » Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:17 pm

I hesitated to post this here, but here is at least a place to start.

I have a friend that has a completed first draft of a fantasy/science fiction novel she intends to self-publish via Kindle Books (this will be an e-book). Thus it will be for sale on Amazon, hopefully not too far in the future.

Free reader's copies will be available.

At least two more drafts to go, so maybe a couple of months.

Once it is posted online, she is probably going to make a few - free - "readers copies" available electronically (through Amazon) so as to (hopefully) get some book reviews going. In case anyone doesn't know about this, one doesn't need to own a Kindle to read a Kindle-published e-book. There is a Kindle app for most smart phones and tablets, your Mac and even your PC.

Free copy in exchange for posting a review. Positive or not, up to the reader. She won't know who you are.

At this point she really is only interested in those readers who enjoy the fantasy/science fiction genre. Or maybe those who might have an open mind and would like to try a new ride.

The book will probably be around 80,000 words, maybe 300 pages.

LOL. Maybe a boat anchor, maybe not.

Since I know that several of you on here are readers, and maybe even a few of you who might secretly enjoy fiction of this particular genre, I thought I would post this here.

If interested, please PM me. I'll put your name on a list, and get back to you when the time comes.


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