OutandAbout wrote:Those are so cute. It that's what you call doodling, I would love to see your actual art work.
I'm one of those lazy artists... I put forth most my work if I'm taking a class...because then I have a deadline and someone to answer to.
I play around with photography more because it's instantaneous. Of all mediums I mostly enjoy ceramics/clay work or digital photography...and being I don't get to play with clay on any kind of regular basis... I fall back on photography. My husband just bought me a used drafting/drawing table which inspired me to draw a few things for the first time in a long while...but now I have to pass it on to my son, with the purchase of the RV... plan on getting a portable version sometime, maybe...sketching campsites or something during our travels... we'll see.
I'll see if I can find some work to share... I'm far from professional at any of it because I don't practice enough.
Thank you all for your compliments...I need to make more stuff from my doodles but packing and organizing and transitioning took over and these two are the only ones I was able to convert.