I was shopping for gourds to work on at the gourd festival in Arizona and found this one. It was just what I was looking for. The guy taking the money pointed out to me that it had a large crack in it. I said "I know. That is why I want it". He gave me a strange look and then said he wouldn't charge me for it. I wanted to transform this "imperfect" gourd into the beautiful gourd it was meant to be.
Here is the finished Wabi Sabi gourd...

There is also a Japanese word of "Kintsugi", meaning Golden Joinery, is the art of repairing cracked or broken pottery with Gold or Silver. As a philosophy, if an object has been damaged then it has more of a history and should, therefore, be celebrated and highlighted, rather than hidden or discarded. As a philosophy, Kintsugi is similar to the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi – an embracing of the flawed or imperfect.