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Sky Planters

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:41 pm
by JoanE
I found these ceramic "upside down" planters online and ordered two of them. I like to use fresh herbs in my food and the thought of not having any while I traveled was disappointing. I hope these will provide at least basil and parsley. I am hanging them in my shower under the skylight. I will have to devise how to keep them from "clanking" or breaking while I am driving. Each planter has a clay reservoir at the top (bottom). At the end where the plant is, there is a round screen to hold the potting soil in and then a locking ceramic collar.


Re: Sky Planters

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:30 am
by Getupngo
That is really nice. There are so many places to hang pots like that. I have a big garden window above my stick-house sink....

What I do with my "clanky" things is to nestle them in towels so they won't roll while you drive.

Great find! Where did you get them?

Re: Sky Planters

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:00 am
by Birdie
I have been trying to figure out how to do some mint. Not sure I'd remember they were hanging in the shower until they hit me in the head :o . I do have a couple of plants that I keep in pots that I nestle in little plastic pans. They ride on the steps inside when I travel and make it homey outside when I stop. Only problem I have had is the deer eating them in the winter time. Learned to push them under the rig far enough they can't get them.

Re: Sky Planters

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:27 pm
by OutandAbout
JoanE wrote: I will have to devise how to keep them from "clanking" or breaking while I am driving.


How about using the insulated wraps for soda/beer cans, or making a sleeve out of an old towel. That should keep them from banging around. Just a thought. Linda

Re: Sky Planters

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:35 pm
by longdog2
Could they sit with the plant on top in the sink just while you travel?

Re: Sky Planters

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:39 pm
by JoanE
All good suggestions for eliminating clanking. I actually had planned to hang them on the rod over my shower, far enough apart with washers to hold them in place. Then they could swing, but not make contact. I could turn them over but the water would run out of the reservoir. I wanted a solution that I could basically forget about and just reap the rewards.

I ordered them from

Re: Sky Planters

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:47 pm
by Acadianmom
I am going to try a couple in my kitchen window. I can't have house plants because of the cats so maybe they will leave these alone. They also come in plastic.


Re: Sky Planters

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:22 pm
by JoanE
I actually ordered the plastic ones but couldn't get them shipped before I left FL, so I switched to the porcelain. So far basil and parsley are doing fine.

Re: Sky Planters

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:14 pm
by cpatinjones

Re: Sky Planters

PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:45 am
by starwatcher
Those planters are such a great idea, basil and parsley are the perfect easy herbs and nice to have fresh, I will have to try that. and the insulated little foamies that you can get for cans would be perfect to stop them from clanging, they have them at the dollar store alot of times. :)