mtngal wrote:Lenora, you have yours now, right? How do you like it? I so want one, but can't justify another 3G from ATT.
Since getting mine, 2 wks ago now, I'm using my PC only to run Quicken. My dog is very confused as in the AM he knows my routine and it use to be, I'd go make coffee and he'd wait for me on the computer chair and then snuggle on my lap when I'd finally sit down. Now I make coffee and lay on the sofa with the iPad. He eventually comes out into the livingroom and has a look on his face as if to say, "I was waiting for you, Mommy, and you didn't come."
I did get WiFi in my home only because I found out I could get it for only the cost of buying the router ($10) and no monthly fees since I have Comcast's Triple Play pkg. I do find it much easier to download apps over 20 mbs with WiFi. Otherwise I have to first download them on iTunes on my PC and then transfer over. That goes for updates over 20 mbs as well. And just like the iPhone, you'll need a PC to SYNC once in a while.
Right on the iPad you can purchase 3G by the month for $25. I believe that gives you 2000 mbs and it does have an area to go check on your usage. If you don't use up all the mbs for the month, you loose them. No rollovers. I did purchase a month's worth, but I do hours of gaming and I had to cut back a bit on my usage as it was going fairly quickly. Since getting WiFi, I cancelled the 3G auto renewal. That can be reinstated at any time, right on the iPad.
Although the keyboard is bigger on the iPad vs iPhone, it still is hard for me to type quickly, so I did purchase the wireless keyboard and it works perfectly. I have yet to use the camera adapters so I can plug my SC card right into the iPad. I'm thinking BJ also got those, too. Perhaps she can weigh in on that if she or her hubby have used it.
As for it's camera.
I think the pictures are hazy looking. I feel like they used the iPhone camera and then it stretches the pic to fit the iPad. Taking pictures on the iPad wasn't a selling point for me so I'm not torqued about it, but do think at the price it should be taking better pics as touted.
The flipping from landscape to vertical is very touchy, but it does have a lock. I also ordered the magnetic cover and really like that.
Overall I'm happy with it because it fits my needs so far.