GPS suggestions...

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GPS suggestions...

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:20 pm

It's been awhile since the last discussion on GPS units so thought I would get some fresh ideas and suggestions since things change and update so often.
I think I need to get one before my upcoming move. I need something not too expensive and easy to use and see. My last one took me on wild goose chases so need something more reliable than that (it was a Magellan).

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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby Azusateach » Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:18 pm

Paper maps work really well. And are a whole lot cheaper.
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby avalen » Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:10 pm

Azusateach wrote:Paper maps work really well. And are a whole lot cheaper.

and there is always the here drive app on the cell phone but better have a battery charger for the car cause it does use alot of battery. I have used my cell phone drive app when I'm in little trafficy tricky places, :D is that a new phrase?
I did buy a brand new garmin nuvi and its not accurate either. Sent me into the wrong parking lot for social security office and I could see it right from the road.
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby Bethers » Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:14 am

I have tossed my individual gps maybe a year or two ago. I use Maps on my phone and sometimes the Here app Ava mentioned. I always plan via atlas first - and make the gps go where I want it to go.
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:40 am

I don't have a smart phone so that is not an option for me. I also don't want to be having to look at a map while driving in unfamiliar areas.
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby Azusateach » Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:23 am

BarbaraRose wrote:I don't have a smart phone so that is not an option for me. I also don't want to be having to look at a map while driving in unfamiliar areas.

You can get yourself into a whole lot of trouble if you think that a GPS will keep you safely on the right road. Get maps of where you plan to travel, sit down with a highlighter, and mark your route. If you're trying to get to AZ quickly you'll be using freeways anyway. A GPS won't be any more helpful than a map.

A decent GPS is a couple of hundred dollars, they become outdated quickly, and trying to download current maps can be a real pain AND costs more money. Why not save that money, put it in an account for that elusive trailer/RV you've wanted for so long? You'd be surprised at how quickly you can grow that money ... if you want.
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby Bethers » Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:22 pm

Plus, you look at the maps in advance - you plan your route. Then, even with a GPS, I keep a written log of where I'm going and how to get there by the turns, etc. I only have to stop and check the map if I go off route. Have to do the same with my GPS, because I set it according to my route - I don't simply put in a destination and let it take me however it wants. I would do this no matter what GPS I purchased - so look for a cheapy and USE it - don't let it use you.
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby cnq50b » Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:18 pm

I agree with Beth.
I LOVE my GPS, but I don't always use the route it wants to use.
I chart out my route using google maps or AAA triptik(free online even if you don't belong). Once I know the route I want, I check to see if the GPS agrees - that rarely happens, so I put in a key city along the route I want to take, then as I get close to it, put in the next one - eventually putting in my final destination. (I only used 3 cities to chart my chose course from KS to CA - so this isn't as bad as it seems) I, too, don't want to look at maps while driving plus I like to see how much further the next city is & an ETA for it. I also like to see how the road curves ahead (I don't like to pass trucks on curves), the names of streets, etc. I've tried using my phone but it's just too small for me.
My current one (a Garmin Nuvi 2450) has free lifetime map updates so I don't have to worry about it getting outdated. It's a few years old but I bet you could pick up a newer version of it - maybe go with a refurb & save some money (just be sure it is warrantied by Garmin).
I'd be lost without mine - especially since I'm new to the LA area. It's a real lifesaver.
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:52 pm

I love my Garmin GPS I like that it tells me the time I will arrive also my speedometer in the Motorhome is often hard to see in the light so the GPS also tells me my speed. When on a long trip I also put in the next city I think I might stop in or need to go thru. Then add the next one, so on and so forth. I also plot my route on a map just because GPS are not 100% but I do rely on it quite a bit.


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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby snowball » Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:01 am

my husband used to go over a map plot the way even to the exits if possible and hand it to me
now I don't have that option :lol: we also had a TomTom which is sadly out dated and it would be more
expensive to try and up date it than it would cost to get a new one...but do like to have one to help
me find my way to my sister's in Vegas :oops: although it tells me to take the exit's to the left which there are
none...we enjoy them but need to know more than it does..
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby JudyJB » Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:18 am

Whenever I enter a new state on the freeway, I always stop at the first rest area. Usually they are also a welcome center and will have free updated state maps available.

And I also ALWAYS check the route my GPS chooses for me against a real map because they can make stupid mistakes and get you into trouble.
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby dpf » Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:01 am

Okay, here’s my suggestion. Buy a used smartphone instead and you can download free GPS features. With new models of smartphones coming out all the time and people who always keep up with the latest and greatest you should be able be able to find one at a reasonable price. (Craig’s list or local Facebook buy and sells.) Plus the apps you can have on a smart phone would be very handy when you are moving into a new area. Siri can be very helpful but she can be a PITA sometimes!
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Re: GPS suggestions...

Postby bluepinecones » Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:43 pm

My Garmin was among the items stolen when Magic was robbed earlier this year. Have not relaxed it yet but pretty sure will go with Garmin again. Old one had life time up dates and what ever I get will also. Like others, I also use maps. Learned to do that the hard way (being too trusting of the GPS early in our relationship). No smart phone here either so that is not an option.
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